Principal's Message

From the Desk of Kathy Nott - Term 2, Week 8

Good morning Parents/Carers,


NENW Cross Country

Congratulations Haidee and Lachy who competed in the NENW Cross Country in Coolah last Thursday.  We are very proud of your achievement.


School Assembly

We will be holding our School Assembly this Friday 21st June at 2:15pm in the School Hall. An item will be performed by 2/3/4O.  All welcome to attend.


Parent/Teacher Interviews

Appointments are filling fast to see our teachers to discuss your child's progress.  If you would like to have a Parent/Teacher Interview with your child's teacher, please fill in the note and advise three preferred times that you will be available.  Our teachers will do their best to accommodate your preferred time.


School Athletics Carnival

Preparations are well underway for our School Athletics Carnival on Friday 28th June at David Taylor Oval.  Notes were sent home last week with all of the details for the day.  Please ensure that the permission note is signed and returned to your child's teacher.  Students will be required to meet at the oval on the day.  Students who catch the bus will be dropped off at the oval and collected from the oval, not from school.  We look forward to seeing many Parents/Carers there to cheer our students on. Our P&C will be holding a canteen on the day with some great treats and lunch.  


NAIDOC Week Celebrations

NAIDOC Week will be celebrated in Week 10. Plans for the week are being finalised.  Students in Yrs 5/6 have been invited by Werris Creek MPS to have morning tea with the residents on Tuesday 2nd July.  We will be holding our celebrations on Wednesday, 3rd July with different activities.  On Thursday 4th July This year's theme is "Keep the fire burning! Blak, Loud & Proud".  


Kind regards


Kathy Nott
