Parish News

End of Financial Year Process
The last banking for the 2023/2024 financial year will be at 9.00am on Monday 24th June. Any donations received after this date will go into the next financial year.
Holy Fathers Appeal
The annual Holy Father’s Appeal will be held across the weekend 29th & 30th June. This appeal, also known as Peter’s Pence, is a gesture of solidarity with the universal Church to support the works of the Holy Father Pope Francis. Envelopes are now available to take home and complete.
Jews and Christians Walking Together - Where are we in 2024?
An address by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP. In memory of the late Rabbi Dr Raymond Apple AO RFD (1955-2024) The Archbishop’s address will be preceded by an introduction from Rabbi Dr Elton, current Chief Minister of the Great Synagogue on Rabbi Apple’s important interfaith work. TIME AND DATE: 6pm, Thursday 27 June, 2024. VENUE: The Great Synagogue, Sydney. Entry Via 187A Elizabeth Street. Registration is essential. Please email:
The Graces of Pilgrimage: A Night of Prayer and Testimony
Fr Andrew Grace and Juliana Elarde give witness about miracles of healing that occurred while on pilgrimage to Medjugorje and Lourdes, which dramatically changed lives. Come and hear their remarkable stories. Hosted by Harvest Journeys. Supper will be provided. DATE: Sunday, 23 June 2024. TIME: 7pm – 9pm
VENUE: St Dominic’s Catholic Church, cnr Hornsey Rd & The Crescent, Flemington.
Register to attend at
Offering Envelopes
New sets of 2024/25 Planned Giving Envelopes are now available for collection in the Church Foyer. Please note that some parishioners have been renumbered. We encourage all Parishioners to join the giving system by either Weekly Envelope or Monthly Credit Card as this is the main income of the parish, by means of which we run everyday expenses, funds projects and plan for the future. If you would like to join forms are available in the Church Foyer which can be returned via any collection plate or directly to the parish office.
Volunteers Urgently Needed
We urgently need more volunteers to fill a rotating roster for the Children’s Liturgy during the 10am Mass (school term only). We are asking anyone that wishes to volunteer to please contact the Parish Office and provide your Working with Children compliance documents. We also encourage any senior school students who are enrolled in the Duke of Ed Award to utilise this opportunity to complete community time. Students under 18 are exempt from WWC compliance.