Respectful Relationships

Year 6

This Term in Year 6 we have been learning about positive gender relationships. Evidence shows that patterns of gender-based violence in society impact children and young people in a variety of ways. 


Our wellbeing lessons in Year 6 have been centred around helping students identify the different ways that gender-based violence can manifest itself, and how it can play out face-to-face or online. We have also been learning how to recognise and practise behaviours that demonstrate respect in our relationships, and how to assertively protect ourselves and seek help if we experience unsafe situations.


 In our most recent lesson, we worked in groups to identify and share what we value in our relationships with our friends. Students came up with a range of verbs that they believe good friends demonstrate, and we reflected on how what we value can extend to all types of relationships. We learned that we should always demonstrate our values in all types of relationships we develop in life, and that respect is something that can be extended to everyone, irrespective of our emotions.



Tyler Trevaskis

Year 6 Teacher