PFA News

WOW what an incredible Term we have had! We celebrated an all time record effort at the walkathon, we got together at the movies and we shared many more happy moments with our GPS Community. Thank you class reps and all parents for helping each other get through the Term with reminders and sharing important info. Remember everyone plays an important role!
Fair Planning
We had a really fabulous PFA Meeting on Wednesday night followed by our First Fair meeting! Let's just say, we are keen to create an incredible experience for our school in 2025! If you missed the meeting that's ok- we still need you... contact
We have amazing parents who have put their hand up to head the major committees, such as food, entertainment, silent auction, craft, cake stall and finance. We do however still need a chief project manager. This role involves overseeing subcommittees and keeping everyone on track. It’s a short lead up now until the fair, which is pencilled in for 22nd March 2025. If you are good at delegating and keeping people on track please reach out.
Now onto Term 3... Get those diaries out to SAVE THE DATES...
Wednesday 24th July- PFA Meeting
Senior Campus 7.30pm, all welcome, where all the fun decisions are made!
GPS Parent night out- Saturday 3rd August - 7pm - Stomping Ground Brewery
It’s the night you have been waiting for all year! A few weeks into the Term, after the holidays you will need this night out to let your hair down and have fun with your fave GPS friends! Book your babysitters, your Uber and your tickets now! Tickets are limited so do not wait… Book NOW! Ticket includes entry, food and FUN!
Wednesday 7th August- FAIR Meeting
Senior Campus 7.30pm, Come along to clarify sub committees and roles. Fairs are mammoth and to make next years run smoothly we need all hands on deck. Everyone is busy with work and kids so if you just take on a small doable role then we will get more done!
Friday 30th August - Father's Day event
Watch this space for more info about the Father's Day events.
Creative Fundraiser
Students will be doing some artwork during school time and you will get the chance to purchase their masterpieces. More info as the term begins..
Term 3 is going to be wonderful!
Have a great holiday break,
Robyn, on behalf of PFA