Student Awards

Students of the Week
Jonah M, 1C - for his sensational work in maths. You solved some very tricky addition and subtraction equations.
Brooklyn P, 3C - for being a thoughtful, motivated and hard working member of our class. Congratulations on an outstanding semester!
Lewis G, 6D - for the perfect respect and empathy he has for everybody at school.
Sienna G, PC - for always showing that she is a responsible and kind classmate. HERRRBy would be so proud of you!
Josh G, 5B - for being enthusiastic, honest and totally delightful in class.
Green HERRRBY Award
Sadie K, 2C - for being a waste warrior during our Inquiry unit and pledging to be more sustainable. Well done for showing what the 5 R's mean.
Abi P, PA- for working really hard to add detail to your writing. We love how you are including a noun, verb and adjectives in your sentences!
Sienna C, PB - for your amazing effort in writing tasks. You can confidently create a sentence with a noun, verb and add detail of the time and place. Superstar work!
Hunter L, 1A - for his enthusiastic attitude towards learning and always being willing to help others in the classroom when the need arises.
Ella M, 1B - for trying her hardest to make responsible choices in the classroom. Well done, Ella!
Freddie C, 1C - for showing excellent effort in writing your sentences. It is so impressive when you include a noun, verb and even an adjective. Well done!
Jake V, 1D - for being an enthusiastic learner who loves to share his ideas with the class.
Savannah H, 2A - for her hard work and dedication over the whole term. I appreciate it!
Elinor S, 2B - for being an amazing Gardenvale student for the last 2 ½ years! We will miss you - good luck and enjoy your time in London.
Fin S, 2D - for making fabulous progress in all subject areas.
Archer T, 3A - For the enthusiasm he had when working on his museum piece.
Teo F, 3B - for the incredible effort you have put into upleveling your writing this term. It has been an amazing change!
Maya B, 4A - for working like a superstar in Inquiry! You worked as a team with Freya, to create and present a wonderful project on New Zealand.
Mia S, 4B - for being a fabulous member of Friday Book Club; always prepared and asking great questions.
Nolan H and Carmen P, 4C - for working well together and presenting a fantastic project on Argentina.
Indie A, 5A - for being a quiet achiever in 5A who always produces exceptional work!
Samuel M, 5C - for being an enthusiastic and positive member of 5C!
Jordan M, 5D - for working so hard to achieve great results in maths. Keep up the fantastic effort!
Elliott K, 6A - for applying himself to all tasks in class, and also for his amazing job as Netball captain on Wednesday. You're a star, Elliott.
Angus M, 6B - for consistently being an engaged learner who does his best every day.
Harlie B, 6C - for her outstanding effort and participation at the Netball Winter Round Robin.