Cranbourne Campus News

I believe it was the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, who first said that ‘humans are social animals who thrive the best when in the company of others’. As members of the St Peter’s College Community you would be well aware of our constant reference to ‘belonging’ in how staff think, speak and act.
From your initial enrollment interview, through the transition process, and school activities and intrinsically weaved within a House based Pastoral System, connection and belonging is pivotal. As a Head of Campus I subscribe to the belief that for students to thrive in the classroom and at school they need to experience an authentic sense of belonging and connection with each other and with staff, and that if they do make these authentic connections, not only will we have a well rounded student and a thriving community but you will have a happy child in the home. To this end, there are a number of opportunities that have been provided in the past fortnight to help further nurture connections.
Swimming Carnival
There was an excellent showing at the Swim Carnival this year and while the numbers competing has been steady in recent years, the numbers cheering and having a great time socializing and getting excited for friends and House team members was outstanding. There is a reason we call it a Carnival and that was certainly the feel of the event. Applied Learning students running an excellent catering and service project, the laughter that came from those in the novelty events and giant slide and the cheering for the final relays all added to an atmosphere of celebration. While competitors spent much of their downtime recovering from their events, others who were in the stands had the time away from the classroom to connect further with members of their House and to build stronger connections with students in their level. This is a very important community day that was sadly lost to those students who decided, because they were not swimming, that they did not have to attend - how wrong they were in missing such a great day out.
Of course it was still a competition for McGuigan Shield Points and the results were as follows
Overall Carnival results
- MacKillop
- Romero
- Augustine
- Glowrey & Marian tied
- Kolbe
- Assisi
- Avila
House Spirit trophy
- MacKillop
- Assisi
- Avila
Year 7 and New Student Welcome Evening
Despite the oppressive 38 degrees and impending storm, we had a lovely group of new families join us for the Welcome Evening. It was lovely to have new students, predominantly Year 7, meeting with their Learning Advisor and House Leader hearing each other’s story and building connections. In this case the connection is not so much a peer level one but a connection between home, school and student. The ability to have this time as a ‘check in’ is all important. When attempting to nurture these connections with parents and carers who lead busy work and family lives, communication is all important as made clear in the Principal’s address by Mr Black. Even reading these fortnightly musings, and periodically checking in on SPACE News via the app are useful ways to get the type of information that builds your connection with the community you have chosen to support you in teaching your young person.
Year 7 Camp
Students are on camp as we speak and so we look forward to a report on camp in the next installment. Notwithstanding, it is worth noting for the sake of this theme of connections, that Camp is a rites of passage activity for Year 7 as they consolidate their connections with the cohort of students who they will spend their next six years of learning with.
Mr Jeremy Wright
Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus