Assistant Principal News

It has been less than three full weeks since our students came back from the holidays, and I have been amazed how settled they have been. The biggest congratulations to our Prep students for completing their first two weeks and they are going to start their first FULL week next week! Our prep teachers and all of our staff members are looking forward to seeing them every day. 

Our Year 3/4 teachers and students have been busy getting ready for their camp from 4-5 March. This year they will be staying at the amazing Camp Oasis where many interesting activities await our students. We will have camp readiness activities, however, if your child needs further support to prepare themselves for it, please do not hesitate to come and speak to one of our Y3/4 teachers or myself.



Prep Parent Curriculum Information Session by Learning Specialists


This is the invitation to all of our Prep parents to the curriculum information session which will be run by our two Learning Specialists, Krystal Ryan (Literacy) and Asami Onda (Numeracy). They will explain what your child’s learning experience will look like at Caulfield Primary School throughout this year and will also share some strategies that you can use to support their learning at home. The information session will be on Thursday 29 February from 9am in Common Room (the room near the front office). We will look forward to seeing you then! 2月29日木曜日9時から、本校のラーニングスペシャリストによる、プレップの保護者むけのインフォメーションセッションがあります。このセッションでは、プレップの生徒達が1年を通してどのような学習体験をしていくか、またお家での学習サポートの方法などを説明いたします。


Smiling Mind


Caulfield Primary School has had a strong wellbeing curriculum over the past few years. While Respectful Relationships will continue to be a pillar of our students’ Social and Emotional learning, we have now access to Smiling Mind which is a wellbeing program endorsed under the Department of Education Mental Health Menu. Along with Zones of Regulation, this will complement well with the contents of Respect Relationships to further support our students social and emotional growth. コーフィールド小学校では全校で一貫したウェルビーングプログラムを実施しております。前年から引き続き、「尊重しあう関係」のプログラムを中心となって行われるソーシャル・エモーショナルカリキュラムの学習ですが、今年から正式にスマイリングマインドを取り入れております。スマイリングマインドは、デパートメントで認証を受けているウェルビーングプログラムで、「規制の領域」とともに、生徒達の社交的・感情的な成長をサポートします。


Snapshots from the classroom


Swimming Carnival

I was a proud Assistant Principal while visiting at the swimming carnival on Wednesday 14 February. Our students represented our school very well, supported each other by cheering on. It was most pleasing to see so many of them demonstrating our school value of Excellence by participating in many events and trying their best. Great work, everyone! The swimming carnival was the shared event with Windsor Primary School with whom we have enjoyed strong relationships over many years. I would like to express my thanks to Miss Molloy who communicated with Windsor so thoroughly to make this event successful. Thank you, Miss Molloy! 今週の水曜日、スイミングカーニバルが開催されました。本校を代表し、3−6年生までの生徒達が参加しました。校訓である、「優秀さ」を発揮し、みんなが自分のベストを尽くしている姿はとても微笑ましいものでした。また、ウィンザー小学校と共同で行われたこのイベントを企画・運営したモロイ先生、ありがとうございました!


STEM lesson with Prep students

Mr Strain and I visited the Prep students during STEM lesson and they were given a challenge by their STEM teacher, Ms Parkes. They were asked to build a tower, using paper cups and making it as tall as possible. Ms Parkes told the students that their tower would be tested by Ms Parkes blowing air at it and shaking the ground around it, etc. So students had to think how to make their tower stronger as well as taller while building it! Finn and Aisling built the tower in the photo below. They told me that they placed the cups in a curvy formation as that would be more wind resistant. How clever! ストレイン先生とともに、STEMの授業を楽しむプレップの生徒達を訪ねてきました。ステムの先生のパークス先生がプレップに与えたチャレンジは「できるだけ高いタワーを紙コップで作ること」。チャレンジはそれだけではありません。パークス先生が息を吹きかけたり、床を揺らしたりしても立ち続けるタワーを作らないといけないのです!写真の中のタワーは、フィンとアシュリンが作りました。秘訣は紙コップをまっすぐ並べるのではなく、やや弓状になるように並べること、と教えてくれました。素晴らしいアイディアですね!


Students tested different layouts of cups to see which one was the strongest.他の生徒達も、さまざまな形に紙コップを並べて、どれが一番つい良いか試していました。