Student Awards

Students of the Week

Jonah K, 1C - for always coming to school with a terrific attitude and a willingness to take on new challenges. What a great example for your classmates to follow!


Levi C, 5C - for consistently wearing a smile and embracing every opportunity with enthusiasm!


HERRRby Awards

Odessa M, PC - for continually displaying the HERRRby values by being kind to others and being super resilient. Keep it up Odessa!


Tilly R, 3B - for being the embodiment of the HERRRBY values. You are kind, respectful and always yourself. Thank you. 


Green HERRRBY Award 

Harvey A, 2C - for picking up lots of rubbish with our buddies on Friday. Keep it up!


Darcy C, PA - for being so resilient to keep trying to improve your letter formation. What a superstar!!


Zac K, PA - for being super responsible with your belongings and always listening and showing respect to others. What a great start to Prep! 


Elijah P, PB - for being a Superstar listener and learner. We loved how you could tell us which word is a Noun in a sentence. Well done!


Riley Z, PB - for being a Superstar helper and persistent to practise letter and number formations. You can do it!!


Finn T, PC - for being an outstanding student who strives to do his best at all times. You are so incredibly responsible and persistent. What a superstar!


Jolie Y, PD - for being a kind and caring person. You show great responsibility around the classroom.


Maddie R, 1A - for her amazing expression and fluency when reading aloud and her excellent listening skills. What a superstar!


Evie M, 1B - for being a kind, caring and thoughtful classmate. Your smile lights up our room!


Riley M, 1D - for consistently showing all the HERRRBy values in the classroom for our guest teachers while Ms. Beitz was testing.  Amazing work!



Bardia K, 2A - for his outstanding work in Maths last week. Your addition skills are out of this world! Keep up the good work. 


 Jacob P, 2B - for consistently showing enthusiasm for learning.  You are a superstar Jacob.


Zac B, 2D - for the outstanding presentation of his homework and the care and effort he puts into all school tasks.


Trini A, 3A - For putting 100% into everything. You are a fabulous member of 3A!


Leo L, 3C - for showing great enthusiasm and initiative when creating and presenting his ‘All About Me’ project. You’ve set the bar very high Leo!


Daphne A, 4A - for being a wonderful helper around the classroom and keeping all our things neatly organised. 


Ryan F, 4B - for being a positive, hardworking, and kind member of 4B.


Eleanor B, 4C - for her very descriptive narrative writing about a Day at the Fair. Well done!


Grace S, 5A – for a fabulous piece of writing, convincing us all to adopt a feline!


Cynthia Z, 5B: for working so beautifully in class. Well done Cynthia.


Maya M, 5D - for being a kind, empathetic and super hard-working member of 5D!


Zoe T, 6A - for the kindness and positivity she shows every day!


Zac T, 6B - for immediately and generously offering to bring a spare hat from home for a classmate. Way to be kind! 


Sophia K, 6C - for her excellent contributions and ‘thick’ questions during Book Club. Well done!