Assistant Principal's Page

from Julie's Desk.

International Women’s Day Friday 8th March, 2024

Happy International Women’s Day to everyone.  Click here for some great resources to help celebrate and model the importance of this day to your children. 


Communication is key

Lately staff have been spoilt with some training from the DE Visiting Teacher, Paulette on communicating with people who are hard of hearing and Caitlin from the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre (CPEC) on how to use PODD (Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display) books to aide communication.  We are so fortunate to have many Allied Health professionals who visit our school to ensure maximum inclusion for all.  We were recently referred to as a ‘best practice’ school when it comes to facilitating Inclusion.  Thank you everyone for embracing the diverse children at CHPS.


Thank you

Thank you to those who have responded to our communication and are ensuring that your children are arriving at an appropriate time in the mornings. 


Online and the Long Weekend

I recently read an article about a couple of went on a holiday and chose not to take any technology with them.  They used paper maps and pay phones.  What a trip down memory lane!  Being geographically challenged, I would never go anywhere without the technology that we are fortunate to now have. 


Despite this, the people in the article reflected on the benefits of having some screen free time.  As we approach the long weekend, can I encourage all families to spend some screen free time together and also, as always to monitor what your children are doing online.  We have recently had some concerning messages being sent about students to other students.  These messages are occurring after hours. 


If being online is causing your child to be distressed, suggest that they block people or leave groups themselves.  Help them to think about their ‘in person’ friendships and what they would do if someone was in front of them being unkind. 


As a parent of 3 teenagers, I understand that the complexities of technology use, but know that it is my responsibility to keep my children safe.  For more tips on helping your children be safe online, please visit the ESafety Commisioner website.


Until next time,


Julie Reid – Assistant Principal – Wellbeing and Engagaement