Principal's Page 

From Christian's desk....

International Women’s Day - Tomorrow Friday 8 March

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is Inspire Inclusion.  Two points that resonated with me and of note for our community related to Leadership and Empowerment:

One of the key pillars of Inspire Inclusion is the promotion of diversity in leadership and decision-making positions. Women, especially those belonging to underrepresented groups, continue to face barriers when seeking leadership roles. By championing inclusion, organisations and communities can harness the full potential of diverse perspectives, leading to better decision-making and innovation.


Education and awareness play vital roles in fostering inclusion and empowering women. Through initiatives such as mentorship programs, educational workshops, and advocacy campaigns, individuals and organisations can create opportunities for women to thrive. By providing support and resources, women can be empowered to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential.


At Croydon Hills Primary School we champion and empower via modelling inclusion. Proudly we have three acknowledged female school leaders that are on flexible work arrangements.  This provides them the opportunity to be there for their family at the level that supports their families’ desires, and gives our community their valuable leadership skills and expertise. 


Respecting Diversity: Important Calendar Dates this Month (including school celebrations)

There are some important calendar dates for our community to be aware of this month:

  • Ramadan begins this Monday, 11th March 2024 in Melbourne. Ramadan is the sacred month in the Islamic calendar.  It is a time of spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and increased devotion.  Those of the Islamic faith will dedicate their time to fasting, prayer, and reflection. Please discuss Ramadan at home, as we will in the classroom.  A discussion you may wish to have is the mindfulness we can all show to those students who might be fasting during this period.  Ramadan concludes on April 9th in Melbourne.
  • Every year in March, Victoria celebrates multicultural communities. This year Cultural Diversity Week runs from 18 to 24 March 2024. 
  • Harmony Day is on Thursday 21 March.  Harmony Day is celebrated worldwide, the day celebrating the ways we can live in harmony with our neighbours, regardless of their background or circumstances.

On Thursday 21 March, students are invited to celebrate their diverse background on Harmony Day. This may involve wearing traditional cultural clothing, a splash of their cultural colours (eg flag or traditional colours), or orange for Harmony Day. 


Respectfully we ask that students don’t wear club sport jerseys, let’s save that for our Footy/Sport Colours Day later in the year (National Team uniforms are ok i.e. Australian sporting teams like pictured below).



REMINDER: School Council Parent Ballot 

A reminder for parents to submit their School Council Parent Election Ballot by 4:00pm tomorrow. Head to Compass for details and instructions. 


REMINDER: Emergency Management Rehearsal Tomorrow

A reminder, tomorrow our school will be executing a simulated EMP. Our staff will appropriately prepare children prior to the rehearsal.  Families at home may wish to share with their children that it is a practice, just in case there was an emergency.