Parents' Association

President- Mrs Jordan, Vice President - Mrs Di Gennaro, Treasurer - Mrs van Prooyen, Secretary - Mrs Ross, Fundraising Co-ordinator - Ms Berardini, Community Engagement - Mrs Edgcumbe,  Class Rep Coordinator - Mrs Campbell/Mrs Heard

PA News

Welcome Back Evening

We hope everyone enjoyed the Welcome Back Evening last week. Thanks to Mrs Ross for organising the night and the food vans. A big thanks to all the wonderful grade 6 helpers who tattooed and hair sprayed lots of kids. Also thank you to everyone who helped to pack up and for Mr Tanner for closing up. 


Young Leaders Conference 

All the grade 6 students and teachers had a great time, as they do every year at the conference. Thanks Jack C for your card to the Parents' Association. 


Cup Cake Stall & Second Hand Uniform

Thanks for the delicious cup cakes made by

 grade 5.  A total of $419 was raised, thanks to everyone who made cup cakes and to the helpers on the day! Thanks to Mrs Edgcumbe, Mrs Heard and Mrs Ward for organising the second-hand uniform stall, a total of $365 was raised.  


POPS Major Fundraiser

At assembly on Monday the community captains announced the top 4 classes that had the most kids sign up for the Colour Run, congratulations to 6D, 5I, 2H and 3O, we hope you enjoyed your icy poles as a reward! We have had 200 kids sign up for the Colour Run which is great! Every student that raises over $100 now will get the opportunity to be one of the students who gets to slime a teacher! One idea below is to sell cup cakes to raise money for your Colour Run tally. 


Sick Bay / Linen Roster

If you can help out once during the term with washing the sick bays sheets (collect on a Friday, wash and return on Monday) then please add your name to the roster in My School Connect


Thanks Monica Jordan

Parents' Association Co-ordinator