Student Awards

Student Awards

AOM Award

Our Aussie of the Month for February is Sebastian Y of 6M. Sebastian consistently embodies the school values of kindness, respect, integrity, and excellence within the POPS community. He treats his peers and teachers with respect and kindness, actively going out of his way to be inclusive, helpful and supportive. Sebastian is fair and conscientious and acts with integrity when dealing with others both inside and outside the classroom. He approaches his learning with a positive attitude, taking on challenges and constantly striving to achieve excellence in everything he does.  Congratulations, Sebastian.


Merit Awards

Mon 26th FebStudent NameFor...
FMXavier WBeing an outstanding helper. Keep it up, Xavier!
1KEdith BHer positive mindset, and her wonderful story writing. Well done!
1MZachary QDisplaying the POPS values and doing so well presenting his Active Travel speech. Superstar Zach!
2DAnara HConfidently sharing her word knowledge with the class.
2HTex WDoing an amazing job with your narrative writing. Congratulations also on a wonderful and confident SRC speech.
2HBenjamin RBeing an excellent role model and consistently showing all of our school values. Congratulations on an amazing Active Travel speech.
2/3QLeah AShowing perseverance and challenging herself during maths sessions. Keep it up Leah!
3GElsie SApplying herself well in the classroom and seeking out challenges to extend her learning. Keep it up!
3OLawrence ZShowing excellence in Mathematics and working with decimal numbers. Great work Lawrence!
4DAiden OCelebrating other students' achievements and successes. Well done Aiden!
4PArcher SPutting in 100% effort when working with decimal place value.
5INicholas GFor completing an excellent character trait analysis using text evidence about Mrs Puddleham. Well done!
5KAnthony ZFor completing an excellent character trait analysis about Mrs Puddleham. Keep it up! 
5/6MLacey EFor working productively and with enthusiasm when planning her narrative writing piece. Keep it up! 
6DJet RFor having a positive mindset during reading sessions and putting 100% effort when completing his character traits tasks. Well Done Jet.
6MLiam MPutting in his personal best when completing his maths tasks this week.  Keep up the good work! 
PAJet RHis focus and commitment to learn how to play new chords on the ukulele with correct technique. Well done Jet, great work! 
PESonny CHis excellent participation and demonstration of safe behaviours in PE classes. Well done Sonny!
ScienceDeclan SHis enthusiastic, helpful attitude in the Science room and his great observations!