Wellbeing and Positive Education.

Mr Campbell


Our wellbeing team has continued to work incredibly hard so far this term to support students and staff to provide the best opportunity for people to be the best versions of themselves. The wellbeing team provides a pivotal counselling service for one on one sessions with students, as well as assisting to develop and implement whole school, cohort specific and targeted student group programs aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing of our students. Shifting the focus of our wellbeing team from a reactive approach to a preventative approach during term one has been really well received from our school community. Whilst we may not have seen the fruits of our labour in this space immediately we know the work done in this space will have a positive impact on our students wellbeing throughout the course of the year and beyond. 

Some great example of these programs are:

  • Diversity Club
  • Art Therapy Classes
  • Vaping information sessions
  • Reach Foundation workshops
  • The Resilience Project School Partnership Program
  • CESC Community Pantry
  • Emotional Regulation workshops
  • Sleep and Study habits workshops for senior students
  • STRIVEOPOLY game play with our year 7's. 

STRIVE - Positive Education Program 

STRIVE is the model we have developed to help us teach the skills of positive education. STRIVE stands for Strength, Thankfulness, Relationships, Inspiration, Vision and Emotion. We want our students, staff and families to STRIVE to become the best version of themselves. 

S – Life isn’t always going to be easy, and it’s important that we learn the skills to pick ourselves up and work through challenges. Strength is about focusing on the values of resilience, perseverance, ownership and courage. 

T – Life is amazing, and as humans we often let it pass us by without stopping to appreciate the beauty of it. Thankfulness is about focusing on the values of gratitude, acknowledgment, mindfulness and giving.

R – Human beings are made to be connected. Our relationships help us throughout life, but we can’t take them for granted, and we need to work at them to make them flourish. Sometimes this means accepting people for who they are and embracing the differences. Relationships is about focusing on the values of connection, kindness, empathy and forgiveness. 

I – Inspiration is about having a goal, learning from role models, being a role model and not being discouraged when we make mistakes. In this pillar, the values we will be focusing on are growth mindset, leadership, failure and aspiration. 

V – Vision is about the future. It’s about developing a sense of meaning and direction, learning to keep an open mind, celebrating success, but also knowing that difficult times don’t last forever. The values of vision we will be focusing on are purpose, curiosity, hope and achievement. 

E – Emotion is about being in tune with who you are. It’s about embracing your uniqueness, finding confidence in who you are and working to understand how to find inner peace. The values of emotion we will be focusing on are positivity, pride, regulation and self-belief. 


At CESC we want you to STRIVE to be the best version of yourself!