Health & Wellbeing / House Keeping

Health & Wellbeing
A quick message from the Health Promotion Nurse. Great job on getting through the first term of 2024! You all deserve a nice break, so please use this opportunity to rest up and take care of yourselves.
I wanted to take this opportunity to promote a few things that I hope will benefit both parents and students.
Seeing a Doctor/General Practitioner (GP)
An important part of ensuring optimal and healthy life outcomes is to be aware of how to access health services. When accessing health services in Australia, we need to make sure we have a Medicare card. Many students are on their family medicare card, however you can start getting your own Medicare card and see a GP from the age of 15 onwards. Conversations with GPs are confidential unless they believe there is a risk to yourself or others. Lastly, please pay attention to how they bill (private or bulk-billing) as you may need to pay some money out of pocket depending on where you go. If you want any more information on this please see myself or there is more information on the attachments in this post.
Legal Advice
If you need assistance with legal advice for a wide range of reasons, the Northern Community Legal Centre (NCLC) offers free legal services to people within the Merri-Bek, Hume, and Mitchell Shire areas. Currently, NCLC is running the Rise Project, which focuses on providing legal advice for women aged 25 or younger on a range of issues such as victim assistance, debts/fines, cybercrime, intervention orders, and more. More information on the attachments, NCLC website or you can contact NCLC at (03) 9310 4376 or email
P.A.R.T.Y Program at the Alfred Hospital
The Alfred Hospital’s Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y) program is running an event on Tuesday 23rd April, aimed at educating older youth, their families, and friends about the consequences of risk-taking behaviour. The 2.5-hour program will run from 5:30pm to 8:00pm and will include a combination of videos, demonstrations, and live presentations by Alfred Health clinicians, first responders, allied health professionals, and a past Alfred trauma patient. The event will be held at the Alfred Hospital and costs $10 per participant. For more information, please visit the following link: Alfred Health Event
For more information on how to stay safe at a party please visit the following:
Common Sense Media
This resource is for parents to review media and technology recommendations and to assist in identifying what is and is not appropriate for viewing. It covers a range of media, gaming, podcasts, apps, and books. Other parents and kids/adolescents provide feedback with their recommendations and reviews on the media pieces. For more information, visit: Common Sense Media
Please enjoy your holiday break, see you all in the new term.
Matthew Li
Health Promotions Nurse
CSEF Applications
Please download and complete the attached CSEF forms if you would like to apply for 2024.
Supervision Times
Our hours of operation on a regular school day include before school yard supervision from 8.45-9am, and bus stop supervision until 3.45pm. For any additional times outside these hours such as Breakfast Club and Homework Club, please refer to Compass for updates.
Acceptable Use Agreement
Coburg High School believes the teaching of cyber-safe and responsible online behaviour is essential in the lives of students and is best taught and learned in partnership between home and school. Here is our agreement, to be signed by students and their guardians.