Teaching & Learning

Food Tech
Last week the Year 12 students were given a social factor, and had to design a meal in response to that factor. They all designed creative, healthy and balanced dishes and showed their knowledge through their evaluation presentations. Great work everyone!
Year 9s are learning about food around the world, they are currently focused on France and making mini quiches.
Olivia Siciliano & Chantelle Rowland
Year 10 Sport Coaching and Athlete Development (SCAAD)
On Wednesday and Thursday, the Year 10 SCAAD classes had the absolute pleasure of attending Coburg Primary School to apply the knowledge and the skills that they had learnt throughout the term.
Our Year 10 students successfully coached the Coburg Primary Grade 2 students in a variety of sports including Netball, Basketball, Hockey, Soccer and Football, developing each of the students competency levels and building positive relationships along the way.
On behalf of the Year 10 Sport Coaching and Athlete Development class we would like to give a special shout out to Jacob Bryant (Physical Education Teacher) at Coburg Primary for allowing our students to have such a valuable experience.
Kylie Saccone
VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM)
The Year 12 VCE VM Personal Development Skills class have been using their teamwork and leadership skills to participate in a spaghetti tower competition. They worked in teams to try to build the tallest spaghetti tower, demonstrating a range of leadership and teamwork skills.
Olivia Stray
Year 11 VM Student profiles
For a lot of people going through the whole process of choosing and applying for VET can be pretty nerve-wracking. Luckily for me I already had some experience with it, in Year 10 I chose to undertake an early entry VET course in Community Services here at Coburg, my Community Services course only lasted for a year though (most last for two years) so I always knew I would have to choose another one eventually if I wanted to do VCE VM in Year 11. Initially I thought I would follow in my mum’s footsteps and start an Early Childhood Care and Education course but after looking things over and weighing my interests in both courses I decided to start a Screen and Media (Video) course at NCAT. Going to a new school is always a weird and interesting experience even if it’s just for 4 hours once a week but once you find people that you can at the very least sit with in class it gets a little better.
Hi, my name is Ben and I'm a recent year 11 student at CHS. Surprisingly enough this was my first year of VET, you’d think i would’ve started it as early as i could in year 10 but truth is, i didn’t know what I wanted. However I was certain this was the correct direction for me now, which of course led me to my first day of my VET course (sport and recreation). I honestly had no clue what to expect, and was borderline shocked when I was informed about the content awaiting me, in past scenarios and at certain times I've been known to struggle on focusing and committing to school so the amount of work ahead of me was bound to be challenging. Nevertheless there were numerous topics and units that really grabbed my attention, the leading one being the free first aid course supplied by the school system, as there are many professions required to have this certificate so it was a pleasant surprise it would be provided.
Another unique factor about specifically my VET is that it’s run at CHS itself, which sure makes my life easier, however like most others it goes till about 5 - 5:30 depending on the day.
In commencement of my first glance of the VET I chose the pathway of the building and construction which is located within walking range of Northlands Shopping Centre at the Northern College Art of Technology or NCAT , the journey there consists of me firstly signing out at the Kiosk near the office and then commence my journey towards Bell St which is accessible to various bus routes whom include the 527 and the 903. Going into a new school I was aware of the applied learning aspect which in future revolves around practical tasks and assessments.
The second week of the subject is about to undergo and to my excitement I will recommend this pathway of committing to a VET course for people who want more hands-on learning while gaining experience and knowledge in a certain particular field, and applying knowledge. In my certain setting the classroom is structured so it's a massive class with multiple teachers. It's easy to locate yourself if you're lost since at NCAT the technology half has certain uniforms along with the various trades the cluster has to offer. There really is something unique for everyone at this campus.
Going into a new unfamiliar setting is difficult and challenging for many individuals and daunting but people often experience the same feelings it’s honestly better to get along with everyone and maintaining relations at an off site school provides a fresh new experience, that students and Coburg High might be lacking but the innovated work with the ability of gaining new knowledge tailored to the specific equipment and training.
VCE VM Year 12-
Guest speaker- Young Workers, part of the Trades Hall Council. They presented about Apprentice Readiness and Your Rights @ Work. Both in preparation for upcoming Structured Workplace Learning and entering into the workforce at the end of the year, which is fast approaching.
Personal Development Skills - Year 7 Projects
As part of the PDS unit students created small projects to work with a Year 7 class focusing on social awareness and interpersonal skills. In small groups they designed and enacted activities with the Year 7 class, ranging from sporting activities to fashion design and gaming competitions to repairing bikes.
Careers Expos - Melbourne Showgrounds and Grand Prix
Students from both VCE VM classes trekked through Melbourne’s public transport system to get to the Royal Melbourne Showgrounds on March 15th, and The Grand Prix in Albert Park on March 22nd. For the Year 11 class it was an opportunity to see different ways to present information and engage different audiences for careers booths in preparation for an upcoming WRS assessment. For the Year 12’s it was an opportunity to chat and engage with different industry professionals and further education partners.
The Grand Prix gave both groups an opportunity to navigate large crowds and find different ways to interact with the wider public.
Lydia Burns
Fine Arts
Yr 10 Fine Art - Studies for a final artwork. The influence for these artworks was the artist and artworks of John Woseley. The inspiration was a field trip to the Merri Creek.
As part of their VCE studies. Year 11 Art Making and Exhibiting students visited galleries in Brunswick to research different exhibition spaces and artists.
We met at the Counihan Gallery in Brunswick to learn more about “Future River” an exhibition co- presented by Black Dot Gallery and the Counihan Gallery. Nicola the curator gave us a tour and talk about how the exhibition was curated and insight into the artist’ practice.
We then walked to Daine Singer, who owns a gallery in Brunswick who presented a great insight into the exhibition and how a commercial gallery operates.
After a brief recess outside the gallery we walked to Bus Projects, an Artist Run Space (ARI).
Unfortunately, it was closed when we arrived, so after an ice-cream in Lygon Street we hopped on the tram and were back to school by lunchtime.
Thank you to the Yr 11 class who were exemplary in their attentiveness and behaviour.
Belinda Pringle & Sandra Middleton
Coburg Connect
The major event of Coburg Connect at years 7-10 this term has been the interclass competition. The first round was trivia (including pop culture and local knowledge) and the second was a Jenga extravaganza. The winning classes were presented with prizes at the end of term assemblies. Plans for Term 2 games are afoot and include tunnel ball for year 9 and a variety competition for Year 10 that includes picking up chopsticks and something involving kidney beans. Stay tuned.
In tTerm 2, Coburg Connect will become more specialised as different year levels begin some major projects. Year 7 will shift from orientation to building the class culture. Year 9 and 10 students will be focusing heavily on careers and future goals as they get ready for subject selection and work experience respectively. Year 11 students will be beginning a series of masterclasses focusing on study skills as they move towards the semester 1 exams. As always, the year level program will include the staples; interclass games, opportunities for setting goals and reflection, time for organisation and study as the mid-term KLT season begins to squeeze students' time and as few opportunities to use a computer as possible!
Literature Circles
Some advice from the Year 7 class of 2023
The Literature Circle assessment is a task based on various, good quality conversations about a chosen book. You will be given a group and a shared document, which contains roles and tasks each week.
What Will You Learn?
You will learn how to contribute information about a chosen book and collaborate together in a conversation. You will learn Listening skills and improve reading skills. Furthermore you can learn to elaborate on each other's ideas. What Skills Do You Need?
To be successful you must be able to gather information from a text, and explain that information to others. You also need to listen attentively to others and expand on their ideas. Advice on This Topic
Reading the book multiple times is helpful, and noting down important page numbers will enable quicker work. Using the planning document also makes it easier to have a high quality conversation with your group.
General Advice for Year 7s
- Learn the room code. It makes it many times simpler to get to class
- Have a clean locker, this ensures that you can grab your stuff quicker
- Bring everything to class, even if you think you don’t need it
- Charge your Macbook regularly
Advice from: Marlie M, Liam C, and Artemis P
8D recently conducted a Parliament role play.
The class debated a bill to lower the voting age from 18 to 16. This bill retains compulsory voting from age 18, however it makes voting optional from age 16. Amendments were debated and passed in the debate, however the bill was not passed by the House.
Ohad Kozminsky