What's Happening In Secondary

News and Information from Secondary

DCS Secondary is committed to providing a Christ-centered holistic education for all students. Part of this commitment means we offer some subjects that you will not find at other schools.


Under our umbrella term, BEYOND, we offer five small but impactful subjects designed to nurture our students holistically and equip them with essential skills for the 21st century, all while grounding their learning in a biblical worldview.


These subjects include:



This course is specially designed to deepen students' understanding of our Character Creed while building essential skills to enhance their learning journey. Students engage in this subject within their core class groups, exploring key areas such as leadership, collaboration, innovation, metacognition and communication principles. Through this course, students not only strengthen their academic skills but also develop the character traits necessary for success both in and out of the classroom.



This subject offers students the opportunity to cultivate collaboration, leadership, innovation and communication skills through cross-curricular units of work. Students are challenged to utilise a formative design process across various situations, fostering creativity and problem-solving abilities. By engaging in practical, real-world projects students gain invaluable experience and understanding in these critical areas. This subject also promotes service-learning and fosters community connections.



This subject focuses on helping students develop a positive start to their day and recognise how they best settle into learning. Students choose from a 10-week option that explores different ways to begin their day, such as high-intensity activity, low-intensity activity, contemplation, and discussions. We regularly seek feedback from students and adjust the options accordingly. Previous Jumpstart programs have included worship and service activities.


At The Table

Here, students gather around a table, eat and spend time with an adult in meaningful conversation. With a focus on pastoral care, groups are intentionally kept small, allowing for deeper connections and discussions. The curriculum revolves around our DCS Character Creed, examining these principles from a biblical perspective to guide students in their personal growth. This subject helps to identify and support students who might otherwise 'go under the radar', as staff check in with the same students three times a week.


The Gathering: During this time, students engage in various activities including worship, prayer, service projects and guest speaker sessions. These gatherings provide opportunities for students to deepen their understanding of our core beliefs and Character Creed, as they hear from leaders both within and outside our school community. All are welcome at 9am on Fridays!


We believe that these distinctive subjects play a vital role in shaping our students' educational experience and preparing them for success in all aspects of life.

Upcoming Events:

Thurs 22nd Feb Lunch available to purchase from Don Post Office
Fri 23rd Feb9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 9.45amVolunteer and Parent Helpers Course in Jiloa Centre
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 26th Feb 

Outdoor Ed options class will be participating in

kayaking and surfboarding at the Mersey Bluff.

Tues 27th Feb6.45pmNew Families Information Evening
Wed 28th Feb Year 7 Camp
Thur 29th Feb Year 7 Camp
  Lunch available to purchase from Don Post Office
Fri 1st March9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
  Year 7 Camp
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer