Student Voice

2024 College Captains and Vice Captains


Last week began with one of our favourite events, the school swimming sports! It was a perfect sunny day and there was lots of house spirit being spread around the Korumburra pool. 


It was awesome to see the great participation of the students who displayed their talent in the pool, especially the Year 7 students who had a chance to show the rest of the school what great talent they had!


The Year 12s engaged in a couple novelty races, bittersweetly celebrating our last swimming sports. Swimming sports was the perfect time to come together as a school and collectively compete for our house. 


The school mission team, including the student engagement liaisons for Year 7, were also fortunate enough to spend a night at Year 7 camp. We were able to engage with the students and form some new friendships, as well as lead a trivia night that was a great hit! It was a great opportunity for our current leaders to inspire Mary MacKillop’s future leaders. 


Molly Heber and Xavier Lindsay

College Vice Captains