Scotsburn News

Important Dates
Meet and Greet (1pm dismissal) | Wednesday 21st February |
Courier Prep Photos | Thursday 22nd February |
Costa Visit - Workshop & Afternoon Tea | Friday 23rd February |
Scotsburn Assemblies (3pm) | Friday 15th March Thursday 28th March (2pm) |
Prep Rest Days | Wednesday 21nd February Wednesday 28th February |
Whole School Assemblies @ Buninyong (9am) | Friday 1st March Friday 22nd March |
Interhouse Athletics (Grades 3-6) | Tuesday 5th March |
Teddy Bears Picnic at Scotsburn -Prep-2 (TBC) | Tuesday 5th March |
Labor Day Public Holiday | Monday 11th March |
NAPLAN (Grade 3 and 5) | Wednesday 13th March - Tuesday 19th March |
Interhouse Cross Country | Friday 15th March |
Grade 6 Grand Prix Excursion | Friday 22nd March |
Last Day of Term 1 (2.30pm finish) | Thursday 28th March |
Costa Visit with Workshop and Afternoon Tea - THIS FRIDAY!
This Friday, 23rd February, we are expecting a visit from Costa Georgiadis. How Exciting!!! The Scotsburn Campus will welcome Costa at 2:10 pm and he will then run a small workshop. This will replace our regular Family Groups, and all students will participate in the workshop.
The Grade 6 Sustainability Team from the Buninyong Campus along with the Ready-Set-Grow team will also be joining us. We will then have a small afternoon tea for Costa, our school parents, and some of the community groups that will be in attendance.
This will be a fantastic opportunity to showcase our fabulous campus as well as our students and the school community being involved with a celebrity gardener. This opportunity only became available to us very recently, however we would love as many families in attendance as possible. There will most likely be some local media in attendance also, which will be great.
If you are unfamiliar with some of Costa’s work, visit his website and check him out. We hope to see you all there from 2pm onwards!
Buninyong Primary School Facebook Page
If you haven’t had a chance yet, make sure to have a look at and follow the Facebook page for Buninyong Primary School and Scotsburn. There will regularly be Scotsburn items on this page, so check it out!
Family Groups
What a brilliant start to Family Groups we had last Friday. The sustainability group worked feverishly on the veggie patch, ready for some new planter boxes and planting, finishing with a cool game in the shed. The cooking group with Em (ES) and Ana cooked two delicious dishes, with ingredients straight from the veggie patch. The highlight was some fried up zucchini and potatoes, from harvest to mouth in 20 minutes!
Meet and Greet Afternoon - Wednesday 21st February
A reminder that our Meet and Greet is tomorrow. We will run our Parent Forum in SC1 at 1:30pm, for approximately 30 minutes. At the conclusion of this session, Staff will be then available for any individual bookings. A reminder that if you have booked an individual session with Liz or Rachel after the forum, these will be available back at the Buninyong campus.
We would love all parents to be in attendance for this session, where we will present information about the year ahead at Scotsburn, including class structures, workshop models, spelling programs, take home reading, homework etc. We will also provide some time for a bit of Q and A. At the conclusion of this session, if parents have some specific information that they would like to share with their child’s teacher, they are still welcome to book a time after this.
Weather permitting, we would also love to see parents and kids mingling for the afternoon, so feel free to bring a picnic rug and some afternoon tea!
Scotsburn Parent Volunteer Roster
As you are all aware, at Scotsburn we rely heavily on volunteers to help us run the programs that we do, and we love and appreciate all the support that we get. Please see below the link to the Term 1 Scotsburn volunteer roster. We would love as many parents as possible to sign up for a little or as much as you would like. If you haven’t volunteered with us before, we will be there to help along the way. If the document is not working for you, please come in and see us and we can add you to the list.
Please remember that we will need a copy of your Working With Children’s check if we don’t already have it on file.
Scotsburn Parent Volunteering 2024
Yard Work
It has been wonderful having the yard looking clean and tidy to start the year. You may have noticed quite a bit of work happening over the holiday period, including the clearing of the area behind the double portable. This not only clears up access for the running track, but also allows for much more natural light in our classrooms.
This work certainly did make for a massive pile to be cleared, two full truck loads!
Prep Interviews
Just a reminder that Preps have Wednesdays off for the month of February. This time off is to ensure that children have the chance to recharge mid-week as they settle into school. On these Wednesdays, each Prep student needs to come in for a mandated Prep Interview that takes approximately 45 minutes for an English and Numeracy assessment to gauge where each student’s point of need is. Please see Ana to lock in a time if this has not been done. This interview only requires your child to be present.
Home Reading
With our home reading program now in full swing across the campus we have decided to set our whole campus target. Scotsburn’s home reading goal for Term 1, is going to be for each individual student to read for at least 25 nights! We know a lot of our students are more than halfway towards reaching this goal, which is very exciting. There will be a small surprise for those students who have reached the goal in the last week of term. We hope it can be a whole campus party so please encourage your child to read at home and fill in their diary.
Student Opportunities
It is wonderful to see so many of our students currently involved in the increased amount of extension and interest programs available at Buninyong Primary School. During Term 1, we have Scotsburn students involved in:
- Masterchef Cooking Scholarship Program
- Photography Scholarship Program
- Victorian High Abilities Program
- Koorie Club
- Federation University Outreach Program
- Em’s Cooking Club
As the year rolls on, there will be many more opportunities for students to be involved in numerous programs, aimed to assist in areas of support, extension and interest.
SC1 Learning Snapshot
Another wonderful week of learning in SC1, even with our relocation on Tuesday. Students did such an amazing job with their learning even with the challenge of changing classrooms.
In Spelling, students have adapted back into the rigour of our spelling program. We have been looking at ‘ng’ words and how to spell them. A large part of our spelling lessons is saying and hearing the sounds. If we are pronouncing words/ sounds correctly we have the ability to choose the correct spelling choice. Students are doing a marvellous job of this.
In English, we have been reading books by Oliver Jeffers. Students have loved these stories and are starting to answer literal and inferential questions about the books. It is also wonderful to make connections between the different stories.
In Maths, students have continued to look at Data. Students have enjoyed collecting data by asking their peers about their favourite fruit, ice cream animals etc. They have then used this data to make picture graphs.
A core part of our curriculum in the afternoon is participating in Mindfulness. This allows students to regulate and gain control of their body and emotions after playing at lunch. It encourages positive moods ready for an afternoon of learning. This week we have talked about the things that help us be successful during mindfulness such as, closing our eyes, laying on our back or sitting up straight and noticing our stomach move up and down as we concentrate on our breath.
Have a wonderful week.
Ana and Kirsty
SC2 Learning Snapshot
All students in SC2 have done such an amazing job settling into the routine of Spelling, Reading, Writing and Maths - the energy that they are providing is infectious! Our students should be so proud of their positivity, effort and enthusiasm towards all aspects of their school day.
This week has seen SC2 kick off their new spelling program, Spelling Mastery. This program involves lots of direct instruction and student involvement, and it could not have kicked off more positively.
In English, SC2 students have been spending some time looking at their reading fluency, with them practising reading out loud with partners, focusing on reading rate and expressions. Students are also spending some time generating ideas and structures for their upcoming narrative writing piece.
During Maths sessions, we have been looking at the topics of place value as well as units of measurement. Our daily fluency activities are definitely getting our number skills up and going!
Don’t forget homework and home reading everyone. We are on a mission to have homework and home reading completed by every student, every week!
See you all during the week,
Jarrod and Liz
Scotsburn Intercampus Travel
At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day.
We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements.
If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher. |
Staff Contacts
Mr Morgan:
Mrs Anderson:
Mrs Robinson:
Mrs Morgan:
Ms Middlin:
The Scotsburn Team