Engagement & Wellbeing

School’s back! So that means reduced speed limits around schools to keep kids safe.
Please watch out and slow down for children crossing the road and around school buses.
Please also follow the parking signs and obey all road rules around the school, including bus only zones and drop off zone (near the gym).
Bunjil Student Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a 3/4 Bunjil Award at last week’s assembly:
- Evelyn
- Joshua
- Lilianah
- Amelia
- Willa
- Chelsea
- Zara
- Connor
- Luca
- Emmie
- Max
- Hazel
- Luka
- Delilah
- Alexis
- Jacob
- Eda
- Logan
- Eleanor
- Muhammad
- Georgia
- Eilidh
- Jack
- Annabel
Bunjil awards recognise student achievement and those who display our school values of being respectful, responsible and kind.
Well done! All of our weekly winners enjoyed a hot chocolate or zooper dooper with Mr Conlan & Mrs Sullivan on Friday.
At both campuses over recent years a concerted effort has been made to increase play opportunities for students. At both campuses the playgrounds have always been well set up for those that like to run around and play sport, but now students who lean towards creative and imaginative play are accommodated as well. In part this is through play elements (cubbies, PlayPods, stages, cubby building areas, logs, rock gardens, etc), which is complemented by organised activities.
At the Buninyong Campus our ES staff run a lunchtime club in the BASE1270 room for any students who may wish to attend and participate in a range of activities, including puzzles, games, lego, colouring, etc. In addition, specialised activities run on different days of the week and focus on particular skills - this term we have chalk art (Mon), pilates (Thurs), circus skills (Thurs), chess & Rubik’s Cube (Fri). Our playpod is also open on Monday, Wednesday & Fridays. The PlayPod is also back in full swing and is being enjoyed by lots of students, as can be seen in this photo taken last week.
At our Scotsburn Campus, organised lunchtime activities include daily lunchtime club activities run by our ES staff, cubby building and imaginative play activities, music and dance, as well as organised sport on the oval with the assistance of our Grade 5/6 Sport leaders. Animal care is also a big part of lunchtimes, with students looking after our chickens and bringing out Pip the Lizard for some time in the sun.
Overall, we know the experience at school for students is strongly influenced by break times, making the effort to accommodate everyone worthwhile.
Child Safe Statement of Commitment
Buninyong Primary School is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making. Buninyong has zero tolerance for child abuse. Buninyong is committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Particular attention will be paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as the safety of children with a disability. Every person involved in Buninyong Primary School has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role he/she plays individually and collectively to ensure that their wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.
In its planning, decision-making and operations Buninyong Primary School will:
- Take a preventative, proactive and participatory approach to child safety
- Value and empower children to participate in decisions which affect their lives
- Foster a culture of openness that supports all persons to safely disclose risks of harm to children
- Respect diversity in cultures and child rearing practices while keeping child safety paramounts
- Provide written guidance on appropriate conduct and behaviour towards children
- Engage only the most suitable people to work with children and have high quality staff and volunteer supervision and professional development
- Ensure children know who to talk with if they are worried or are feeling unsafe, and that they are comfortable and encouraged to raise such issues
- Report suspected abuse, neglect or mistreatment promptly to the appropriate authorities
- Share information appropriately and lawfully with other organisations where the safety and wellbeing of children is at risk
- Value the input of and communicate regularly with families and carers
- Implement a system of continuous improvement and review
Child abuse includes sexual offences, grooming, physical violence, serious emotional or psychological harm, serious neglect and a child’s exposure to family violence.
Buninyong has zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to the protection of all children from all forms of child abuse. At Buninyong, a child includes Buninyong Students & visiting students.
This Child Safe Program is made up of work systems, practices, policies and procedures designed to maintain a child safe environment and to embed an organisational culture of child safety within the School community. The Program deals specifically with child protection issues and is designed to ensure compliance with the Victorian Child Safe Standards and related child protection laws. Broader child safety issues arising from our common law duty of care are dealt with through our Student Code of Conduct and Student Wellbeing and Engagement (Welfare) Policy.
If you have a belief or suspicion that a child is being, or has been, subjected to any form of abuse you must contact the Victorian Child Protection Service or, where You need guidance on making a report or have questions regarding child safety, contact one of the School’s appointed Child Protection Officers. Whenever there are concerns that a child is in immediate danger the Police should be called on 000.