From the Principal

Mrs Fiona McAuliffe

Getting Involved at GNLC

As a number of our students have returned from camp this week and we hosted the inaugural GG Cup (friendly games with Year 12s from Geelong Lutheran College), we should recognise and acknowledge the invaluable role that extracurricular activities play in our educational program. While academic excellence is undoubtedly a priority, we firmly believe that a well-rounded education encompasses more than just classroom learning. Extracurricular activities provide students with opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and enrichment that extend far beyond the confines of traditional academics.


Engagement in extracurricular activities fosters essential life skills that are integral to success in both academic and professional realms. Through participation in clubs, sports teams, arts programs, and community service initiatives, students learn invaluable lessons in teamwork, leadership, time management, and problem-solving. These experiences not only complement classroom learning but also equip students with the practical skills and competencies necessary for navigating the complexities of the real world.


Extracurricular activities also offer a platform for students to explore their passions and interests outside of the academic curriculum. Whether it be through music, athletics, debate, or environmental activism, these activities provide avenues for self-expression, creativity, and personal fulfilment. By encouraging students to pursue their diverse interests, we empower them to cultivate a sense of identity and purpose that transcends the boundaries of traditional academic disciplines.


Participation in extracurricular activities has been consistently linked to improved academic performance and overall wellbeing. Research indicates that students who are actively engaged in extracurricular pursuits demonstrate higher levels of motivation, self-confidence, and resilience. By fostering a positive school culture that celebrates student involvement and achievement beyond academics, we create an environment where every student has the opportunity to thrive both inside and outside the classroom.


In essence, extracurricular activities are an integral component of our GNLC educational program, serving as catalysts for holistic student development. I encourage all students to explore the diverse array of opportunities available to them and to seize the chance to discover their passions, develop essential skills, and make lasting memories.


Mrs Fiona McAuliffe

College Principal