News from our 

Assistant Principal

Louise Gordon

Amadeus Education Program Survey

Sydney Catholic Schools, Amadeus Music Education Program provides a high-quality music education, delivering consistent and structured music experiences for students enabling them to learn to play a musical instrument.


Beginning in 2023 students in Years 3-6 at Our Lady of Fatima have been involved in the Amadeus Music Education Program. The program offers students expert music lessons including ensemble lessons, and group tuition. Parents are invited to complete a survey indicating their satisfaction with the program and to give feedback in relation to the musical skills their child has developed.


Click on this link to fill out the Amadeus Survey:


NAPLAN testing continues this week for Years 3 and 5. Please view the Test Timetable below. Test catch up days for students absent during the testing period are available during the testing period and finish on Monday 25th March.

Catholic Education Foundation Fundraising  Raffle 

The Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) assists in creating educational opportunities for children by supporting families that are struggling and needing financial support. All Catholic schools are invited to participate in an annual fundraiser to support families in their local area.


This year our school will support CEF by having an Easter Egg Raffle the money raised donated to support this fund.   Click on this link to purchase raffle tickets: 

Watch this quick video to find out more about the Catholic Education Foundation.

Tickets will be sold at school and the raffle will be drawn on Holy Thursday 28th March.


Calling all families in Kinder, Year 1 & Year 2! 

We invite you to donate Easter eggs to contribute to our Easter raffle! Please send in any Easter goodies with your child to school and they will be used to make baskets to raffle with the community!


Celebrating Learning - Open Classrooms

On Monday 25th March at 9:30-10:30am (following the Kindergarten and Year 1 Holy Week Liturgy), all parents and carers are invited to visit their child’s/children’s classroom to view the wonderful learning that is taking place at Our Lady of Fatima. This is an opportunity to look at your child’s learning books and samples of work that they are proud of. A reminder that this time is not an opportunity to discuss student progress.

 Students Arriving Late to School

The school day officially commences at 8.55am. Any student arriving after this time must be signed in by a parent/carer at the school office. 


Many students are arriving very early in the morning. Parents are reminded that supervision commences at 8.20am.

Car Lines and Parking

Parents are asked to remind their child/children not to walk between cars when exiting their car on carlines due to the safety risks. Students are to use the pedestrian crossing supervised by teachers.  Please refrain from opening car boots automatically with cars stopping closely behind. Students are encouraged to have their school bag in the vehicle.


Parents are asked not to park in the staff car park or office administration car park unless they are visiting the office or picking up a child from sick bay. These areas are used by students in the morning and afternoon to enter the school.           

Reading Skills Workshop for Year 1 Parents


Just a reminder to parents that students should not be carrying their own medication or administering it themselves, including ventolin.  In line with the Sydney Catholic Schools Policy, all medications need to be administered and recorded in the school office/sick bay.  







Ms Louise Gordon | Assistant Principal