News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents and Carers,

Last week our Parent Rep group met to discuss fundraiser initiatives for the year ahead. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to lead each of the grades and be the contact person for the group. Some of the initiatives discussed included the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls, Walkathon/Colour Run, Trivia Night and Christmas Concert BBQ and stalls. Hopefully, these initiatives will raise funds that will contribute to some upgraded equipment for the playgrounds for all the students to enjoy. I really do invite you all to get involved and volunteer your time if possible to contribute to the school community. Stay posted for more details.

Kinder Enrolments for 2025

If you have a sibling starting school in 2025 could you please submit your enrolment as soon as possible. The enrollment period is well underway and applications are pouring in! If you do not get your child’s enrolment form in you may miss out on a place.   Click on the link below:

Car Boots

Please take into consideration the safety aspect of asking your child/ren to walk between two cars that still have their engines running to access the boot. It is incredibly dangerous. If you do not want their school bags on the back or front seats you should consider another form of transporting your child/ren to school.

Let us pray:

May the presence of the Holy Spirit be with us.

May we ignite sparks of beauty wherever we are.

May the wisdom of those who travelled in the wilderness encourage us.

May we have the commitment to be witnesses wherever we are.

May we go forth into today and tomorrow, with open eyes to the light around us, in the people we meet and places we go. 

May Christ guide our steps and light our path.









Mrs Suzanne Clay | Principal