A message from the Principal

Whilst school does not finish for the year until 3:30pm next Thursday (19th December), I am taking a short period of Long Service Leave next week to allow me to travel back to the UK to spend Christmas with family.


This means my final day at SKiPPS this year is tomorrow (Friday 13th December).


It is therefore an ideal time to reflect on a year of many successes, highlights, progress and challenges as a school.


Last night our Year 6 students had their graduation evening at school and I was struck by how the talented, confident, and kind students who we send out into the world are the best advertisement for our school and everything we value and try to achieve.


Each student got up onto stage and spoke very confidently and movingly about their time at SKiPPS. Common messages were;


  • The way they felt welcomed into our school from the very start and the kindness they were shown.


  • The amazing relationships and friendships they have built in their time at the school.


  • The wonderful breadth of learning that has taken place as they have grown from infants into teenagers.


  • The confident and ambitious goals and aspirations that they have set for their futures.


  • The value of our camps, sports and extra curricular activities as the things that have helped them to grow and develop and provide lasting memories.


  • The way that, even though they will miss SKiPPS, they are prepared and excited by the major change that is fast approaching.

They all made the school very proud of the hard work that we do every day.


We really appreciate the shared commitment, support and enthusiasm of our students, families and staff towards our school and the way that we operate. It is precisely this strong partnership that leads to such good outcomes for our learners on so many levels.


I am very proud of our Leadership Team (Michelle Bove, Jac Morphy, Mel Borella & Ange Golden) who have worked incredibly hard this year to keep us on track and always looking to improve whilst reflecting our school values. 


Our teachers and educational support staff are a genuine team with a clear focus on what is most important – our students. We have a staff who are committed to collaborating and creating a happy, supportive and challenging environment both for their students and fellow professionals. 


School Council and its Subcommittees have continued to work hard and deal with uncertainty to ensure the effective running of the school. Thanks to Elisa Webb for her work leading council this year as our School Council President. Her hard work and commitment to making our school even better has been much appreciated. 


It has been wonderful to have so many different events and activities led by our parent community and SKiPPA, our Parents' Association this year.  Our Fete, Jazz in the Park, Celebration of the Arts, our Trivia Evening, Walkathons, Mango Fundraisers, beautiful Mothers' and Fathers' Day events, end of term breakfasts, winter solstice events and so many more. 


I hope our families have an enjoyable Christmas and safe holiday and return next year with renewed energy. I am already looking forward to the work and changes that will be taking place in 2025 and how this will allow our amazing school to get even better!


I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Neil Scott
