Learning Space News

Year 3/4
Students have been developing their understanding about a range of strategies to solve equations using the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They have also been learning about location, exploring the different features of maps and different perspectives, such as using a bird’s eye view. They created a map of the playground, which they used to plot and locate treasure chests.
Students are finishing the term off by learning all about time, including telling the time on digital and analogue clocks.
Students have been immersed in the world of Australian author Margaret Wild. They have studied several of her books and explored the different themes that she writes about. These books often have messages of hope, friendship and family, providing a stimulus for students to make inferences about character traits and feelings, as well as making connections from the books to their own lives.
Students have also been practising writing narratives this term, ensuring that their stories include a problem and solution, as well as interesting characters and settings. This unit linked perfectly to our current inquiry topic, 'Frame by Frame', in which students wrote a created an animation using the Stop Motion Studio app on their Chromebooks. This may inspire some of our students to one day work as an animator for Pixar or Dreamworks one day!