This week in Prep
What an amazing week we have had.
So much fun! On Wednesday the Grade 6 students came and did group activities with us. We heard words such as Cooperation, Teamwork, Resilience and Gratitude. We talked about what we were good at and what we want to get better at. Thank you Grade 6 students; we really enjoyed the activities.
We have photos of some of the children’s models. They were asked to draw a picture of their House animal then make it out of plasticene. When the model was finished, the children were then asked to draw their habitat – what did their animal need to survive? As you can see, they have done a fabulous job.
Junior House Sports was a highlight in our week. With stunning weather, the children participated in sack race, sprints, relay, soccer kick and vortex to name a few. There were lots of red faces but even better, many big smiles. The children cheered for one another and were very positive and engaged. Thank you again to the Grade 6 children who helped at each event and a big thank you to Mr M, our PE teacher for his organisation and smooth running of the event.
Our new playground continues to be well loved.