Ryan’s Rambling 

Dear Families,


What an incredible week. There has been some exceptional events and celebrations that have occurred, many of which have showcased our students’ incredible learning and previously unrevealed talents. 


Our 5/6 Expo this week was a particular highlight. The students have been working assiduously across the previous few weeks to complete their business design, create websites, edit videos, budget for expenditure, forecast revenue, calculate tax obligations, conduct quality assurance, and much more! Voting for the best business model posed a significant difficulty for us all! Thank you to the many parents who made the time to come along to our showcase event. I was truly blown away by the level of effort that our students had put into their work. Well-done, kids! 


Our Student Leaders planned and conducted an excellent event this week in Dana’s Got Talent! This popular event returned after a three-year hiatus, and boy, was it a success! In total, we had over 20 acts ranging from impressive vocal performances to instrumental ensembles, poem recitals, standup comedy and dance routines. The whole student body rejoiced and celebrated each and every act that came forward. Our Student Leaders did all the work! They showed incredible leadership, and I am just so very proud of all of them. All students who performed received a certificate and a water bottle. 


Next week, we bid farewell to our Graduating Students of 2024. Whilst it is always a bittersweet moment, it has been great to look back with fondness on this group of students and all they have managed to achieve in their 7 years of primary school. Our staff are exceptionally proud of our students and know that they will take with them the lessons, the School Values and the experiences they have had, both good and bad, into the future. I am looking forward to our Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday of next week.


Please remember that it is a 1:30pm dismissal on Friday of next week and there will be no lunch orders on that day. Our Final Assembly of the year will be held at approximately 12:30pm. 


Have a fantastic weekend. 

