Year Two Team News

with Steph, Joel and Rochelle

Hello Year Two families,

Welcome back to Term One of Year Two for 2025! The Year Two teachers this year are Steph Keswick (Grade 2K), Joel Kitchen (Grade 2J) and Rochelle White (Grade 2W). We have been so pleased by the enthusiasm shown by students to be back at school. Over the past couple of weeks, we have begun setting up our classroom expectations and our students are displaying wonderful respect and responsibility in their new environment. 


Curriculum Focus: Weeks 3 - 4

 Literacy: In Reading, we will be beginning our Little Learners Love Literacy program in Grade Two. In Writing, we will be completing our ‘Best Part of Me’ writing. This will provide an opportunity for students to draft, edit and publish their writing.

 Numeracy:  We will continue learning about Place Value and enjoy a variety of maths games to encourage development of number knowledge and strategy.

 Inquiry: We are discussing what good learners do, and setting up the routines in our classroom so that everyone feels safe and supported. We will also be discussing rules and expectations when playing outside at recess and lunch times. 

Willy Kids: Through the pillar of Respect, we will be learning about gratitude and how Willy Kids can demonstrate gratitude and the importance it has in our lives.


Important Dates Coming Up: 

  • Meet the Teacher Wednesday 12th of February (students to be dismissed at 12.30pm)
  • School Photos: Tuesday 18th of February 


In Year 2, students are expected to undertake 15 minutes of daily reading with a parent/carer/sibling. This can include opportunities for the student to read to an adult, read with an adult or be read to by an adult. 

A homework sheet will go home at the beginning of every week. The sheet will consist of weekly spelling words and a variety of maths games that the students have played in class.

The purpose of reading at home and simple homework activities is to create a link between learning at school and at home and to reinforce weekly concepts. Homework in Year Two is not designed to create stress. Please do what is right for your child and for your family. 


Local Excursion, Digital Technology, and Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Consent Forms

Three consent forms were sent home towards the start of last week. Can you please ensure that these forms are returned to school as soon as possible. Thank you to everyone who has returned the forms so far.



This Term, all Year 2 students will attend Specialist classes. These include Visual Art, Music, French and Physical Education. Each class will also attend the library each week with their classroom teacher. Please see below for the specific days for each class.

Grade 2K:Grade 2J:Grade 2W:

French - Monday

Library - Tuesday

Art - Wednesday

Physical Education - Wednesday

Music - Friday

Music - Monday

Library - Tuesday

French - Wednesday

Art - Wednesday

Physical Education - Friday

Physical Education - Wednesday

French - Wednesday

Library - Wednesday

Music - Thursday

Art - Friday


Sun Safety

It has been excellent to see our Grade Twos bringing their hats to school and wearing them during break times. In Terms One and Four, students are required to wear their hats during all outside play. Please ensure that your child’s hat is clearly labelled with their name so that it can be easily returned to them if it is misplaced.



Until next time,

The Grade Two Team - Steph Keswick (2K), Joel Kitchen (2J) & Rochelle White (2W)