Year One Team News
with Edan, Claire, Kayleen & Annare
Year One Team News
with Edan, Claire, Kayleen & Annare
Welcome back to Term 1 of Year One 2025! The Year One teachers this year are Kayleen and Anna (Grade 1K), Claire (Grade 1D) and Edan (Grade 1B). We have been so pleased by the enthusiasm and eagerness to learn that our Grade 1 students have shown over the first few days of settling back into the school routine. We have begun setting up our classroom expectations and our students are displaying wonderful responsibility in their new Year One environment.
Curriculum Focus: Weeks 3 - 4
Reading: We are continuing the Little Learners Love Literacy program that students commenced last year in Prep. During this term we will be revising stage 7.1 of the program which focuses on vowel graphemes. Our focus for week 3 will be the graphemes/phoneme ‘ai’ and ‘ay’, and our focus for week 4 will be the graphemes/phoneme ‘ee’ and ‘ea’.
Writing: Writing ideas will be inspired by our work in Inquiry and through the picture books we read. We will be working on remembering our capital letters and full stops and having a go at our spelling by using the great strategies that we learned in Prep.
Numeracy: We will be exploring the concept of place value. Students will work through hands-on activities, challenges and games to reinforce the idea that numbers contain digits and these digits have different values.
Inquiry: We are discussing what good learners do, and setting up the routines in our classroom so that everyone feels safe and supported.
Willy Kids/Respectful Relationships: Through the pillar of Respect, we are learning about kindness and how Willy Kids can demonstrate kindness and care every day. During our Respectful Relationships sessions our topic this term is Emotional Literacy. We have been learning and will continue to focus on recognising and identifying our own emotions and describing situations that may evoke these emotions.
Important Dates Coming Up:
Blue Book Bags
Blue Book Bags will need to be brought to school each morning and will be sent home in the afternoon each day. In your child’s Book Bag you will find a Home Reading Record and a homework book. In these Book Bags you will also find our Little Learners reading books, as well as any books that students borrow from the library (up to two at a time). The students will take home two new Little Learners books each week. This range of books provides a great opportunity for students to practise reading aloud to others and also with family members. Their Little Learners books will be familiar to them and easier to read. Rereading familiar books is an important strategy to help with learning to read and comprehend texts. We encourage you to also continue reading aloud to your children from library books and books from home. Listening to reading and talking about books is crucial for vocabulary and linguistic comprehension. We encourage students to read at home every weekday to support learning in the classroom.
We also ask that parents regularly check their child’s Blue Book Bag as teachers will put notes that need to go home into them instead of their regular bag. If you are returning any notes to the school you can also place them in their Blue Book Bag. If you have placed a note in there, please remind your child to take it out and give it to their classroom teacher in the morning.
In Year 1, students are expected to undertake 15 minutes of daily reading with a parent/carer/sibling. This can include opportunities for the student to read to an adult, read with an adult or be read to by an adult.
Homework books will start going home next week. The work we send home as practice is based around concepts we are learning at school. There will be 7 speed words which are based on the weekly sound focus and 3 heart (common) words that students can practise reading and spelling. A family maths game, challenge or activity will help to increase number sense and will also be based around the concept we are learning at school.
The purpose of reading at home and simple homework activities is to create a link between learning at school and at home and to reinforce weekly concepts. Homework in Year One is not designed to create stress. Please do what is right for your child and for your family.
Photo Permission/Local Walk/ICT Forms
Three forms for photo permissions, local walks and the ICT code of conduct form went home towards the end of last week. Could you please ensure that these are returned to school as soon as possible if they have not already been returned.
This Term, all Grade 1 students will attend Specialist classes. These include Visual Art, Music, French and Physical Education. Each class will also attend the library each week. Please see below for the specific days for each class.
Grade 1K: | Grade 1B:
| Grade 1D: |
Art - Wednesday Physical Education - Wednesday Music - Friday French - Thursday Library - Monday
| Art - Tuesday Physical Education - Wednesday Music - Thursday French - Wednesday Library - Thursday
| Art - Wednesday Physical Education - Tuesday Music - Thursday French - Tuesday Library - Thursday |
Sun Safety
It has been excellent to see that our Grade 1’s are bringing their hats to school and are wearing them during play times. In Terms 1 and 4 students are required to wear their hats during all outside play. Please ensure that your child’s hat is clearly labelled with their name so that it can be easily returned to them if it is misplaced.
As a school we are making an effort to reduce the amount of waste that we produce. In doing so, we hope to maintain our clean and safe indoor and outdoor environments. To support this goal, we encourage our students to bring a ‘nude food’ lunchbox. This means that there is no rubbish or wrappers.Examples of items to include in a nude food lunchbox are:
If this isn’t possible we kindly ask that all food scraps and rubbish are taken home to dispose of.
Brain Food
To support all this amazing learning that your children are doing, we like to take time to have a brain food break at 10am every morning. We ask that each child brings some fruit or vegetables in a small container to eat at this time. It is helpful if this container is separate to the lunch box so that the children can pop it on their desk when they enter the classrooms at 8:50. This limits the disruption of going to the school bag and getting out the entire lunchbox. Thank you for your support with this.
Anaphylaxis and Food Allergies
Williamstown Primary School adopts broad strategies to protect our students with anaphylaxis and any food allergies. Some of the preventions strategies that are implemented by the School to assist anaphylaxis management include:
Again we emphasise our strict protocols around training and documentation, the NO SHARING FOOD policy and the Grade 1 teachers are aware of all allergies, and specifics about each child’s case.
Warm regards,
The Grade One Team – Edan Bacegga (1B), Claire Davies (1D) &
Kayleen Dumic & Anna Swan (1K)