Specialist Team News
with JoJo, Faye, Paddy, Kate & Madame CriCri
Specialist Team News
with JoJo, Faye, Paddy, Kate & Madame CriCri
The Curriculum Focus in Performing Arts
Year 1:
Students have been learning a welcome song and dance from Ghana called ‘Funga Alafia’, some name games and about what makes a good Willy Kid.
Year 2:
Students have been reviewing how to read rhythms using percussion instruments and have created an individual composition based on words and rhythms that describe what makes a good ‘Willy Kid’.
Grade 3/4 – Students have been looking at the Willy Kid topic of ‘Respect’ through music. They have listened to a rap about respect and read and played body percussion and rhythms to Aretha Franklin’s classic song, Repect.
Grade 5/6 – Students have reviewed musical symbols used in rhythms and have created a rhythm based on pizza toppings. They have commenced their listening journey where one student will share a piece of music at the beginning of each class.
Music Clubs
This year the Willy Primary Choir will be run by Lynne Georgiadis on Wednesdays at lunchtime (1.40 – 2.10pm) in the Music room.
This music club is open to all interested students in Year 1 – 6.
Marimba Band Timetable – Term 1
Week 2 | Tuesday 4th Feb | Meeting for all students interested in auditioning |
Friday 7th Feb | Students to let Faye know if they wish to audition | |
Week 3 | Thursday 13th | Auditions 5/6I & 5/6S |
Friday 14th Feb | Auditions 5/6H & 5/6 M | |
Week 4 | Thursday 20th Feb | Auditions 5/6E & 5/6C |
Friday 21st Feb | Catch up auditions | |
Week 7 | Tuesday 11th Marc | Band selection meeting |
Thursday 13th March | Marimba Band Rehearsal starts |
Rock Band Auditions – Term 1
Week 2 | Tuesday 4th Feb | Meeting for all students interested in auditioning |
Week 3 | Friday 14th Feb | Students to let Faye know if they wish to audition |
Week 2 - 4 | Students are to prepare and rehearse the selected songs for their audition
| |
Week 5 | Thursday 27th Feb
| Singers Auditions – 5/6M, 5/6C, 5/6E |
Friday 28th Feb | Singers Auditions – 5/6I, 5/6S, 5/6H
| |
Week 6 | Thursday 6th March
| Guitar & Bass Auditions |
Friday 7th March | Keyboard and Drum Auditions | |
Week 7 | Tuesday 11th March | Band selection meeting
Friday 14th March | Rock Band Rehearsal starts
Warm regards,
Faye Ferry & Lynne Georgiadis
Performing Arts Teachers
Welcome Back to PE in 2025!
It has been fantastic to welcome back all our Willy Kids after the summer holidays! The energy and enthusiasm they’ve brought to PE have been incredible, and it’s been great to see everyone settling in so well. We’re looking forward to an exciting year of movement, teamwork, and skill-building!
Fortnightly Curriculum Focus in Physical Education
Sports Update
Last Wednesday, our Grade 5/6 students, along with some of our Grade 3 and 4 students, took part in the annual House Swim Carnival and Trials at the Williamstown Surf Life Saving Club. With perfect weather and fantastic participation, it was an amazing day of swimming, competition, and fun!
Students had the opportunity to trial for the school swim team, race for valuable house points, or take part in a range of engaging pool activities. Every student should be incredibly proud of their efforts and enthusiasm on the day. The overall house points results will be announced at assembly this Friday—well done to all who took part!
We’re looking forward to a great year of sport and PE ahead! 🎉
Warm Regards,
Paddy Gallivan (Physical Education)
Welcome back to the Art Room Everyone!
I hope you had a happy and arty holiday.
It has been amazing to hear that many of the children have visited the Yayoi Kusama Exhibition at the NGV. I was lucky enough to attend during the holidays and was blown away by the variety of artworks on display. I’m very excited to announce that all classes this term will be creating Kusama inspired artwork! Each year level will be looking at different art pieces of Kusama’s detailed and ‘quirky’ artwork to inspire our own pieces. There’s still time to catch the exhibition at the NGV. Make sure to book ahead if you plan to go.
The Grade Prep’s will be working on Kusama inspired Sun Faces using Paper plates.
The Grade 1/2’s will be studying Kusama’s quirky, spotty mushrooms with patterned backgrounds.
The Grade 3/4’s will be looking at Kusama’s most famous dotted pumpkins with geometric lined backgrounds.
The Grade 5/6’s will have a go at a more abstract, contemporary Kusama inspired piece, using lines, shape and colour.
Art smocks for everyone! This year, I strongly encourage all classes to bring in an art smock (P-6) In the spirit of reducing waste, I recommend an old, oversized t-shirt or shirt with your child’s name on it. These will be stored in your child’s classroom and will be used when required.
It’s that time of the year where we gear up to create our entry for the Hobsons Bay 5x7 Art Competition. At this stage we will be opening entry places to the grade 5/6’s. This is on a volunteer basis, and we will be working on our entries every Monday & Tuesday at lunch time for the next few weeks. There are only 24 places and I’m so happy to see so many students keen and eager to participate!!! Come see me during our lessons if you are interested in helping us put our entry together.
*In this week’s newsletter, we’ve included photos of some pieces the 5/6’s worked on at the very end of last year and that we didn’t quite get time to post and appreciate. We have also added a couple more art displays to brighten up our office foyer. If you get a chance, pop into the and get a close up look at all details
Warm Regards,
Marcia Evans (Visual Art)