Year 5/6 Team News

with Christina, Emma, Molly, Bianca I, Bianca R, Matt & Brittlee

Hello Year 5/6 families, 

Welcome to 2025! Here is a quick introduction to our 5/6 Team:

5/6C with Christina

5/6E with Emma 

5/6I with Bianca I and Bianca R

5/6M with Matt

5/6H with Molly

5/6S with Brittlee

We are always on the deck at dismissal so please feel free to come and say hello!

We have also been lucky enough to have the fabulous Laura Bartholomeusz helping us out before she heads off on maternity leave on Friday 14th February.  We wish you all the best Barty and will certainly miss your expertise in 5/6!


We have all enjoyed a lovely (and very busy) start to the year. Week 1 included lots of getting to know you activities within classes, Summer Interschool Sports team trials and training, our first cohort assemblies and the Grade 6 House Captain elections. Week 2 saw the introduction of Spelling and Spelling homework, the very sunny and successful WPS House Swimming Carnival and the first whole school assembly! 


The fortnightly newsletter will be our dedicated space to include all information specific to 5/6, including what events are coming up, reminders and curriculum break down for the upcoming fortnight. 


What's happening in our classrooms:

Willy Learners: To begin the year, we have had a special focus on ensuring we create a safe learning environment for our Willy Kids. This includes setting up learning routines, expectations, class agreements and safe digital spaces. It gives us a chance to get to know one another and establish a strong connection with one another. We undertook a team building exercise known as 'Survival Island' challenge.

Reading: In addition to setting up reading routines and expectations, we will be introducing our class novel, ‘Now’ by Morris Glietzman. We will review and build skills in making connections to texts, summarising and answering literal and inferential questions. 

Writing: We have been busy writing letters to our teachers, and setting up routines and expectations with weekly spelling practices including spelling tests and dictation. In week 3 we will explore planning and drafting of a narrative based on our recent Willy Learners' challenge of 'Survival Island'. In week 4 we will start to recap persuasive writing skills and apply this to our inquiry unit. 

Willy Kids: Willy Kids are Grateful- We will be learning about what it means to be grateful and create a gratitude journal for the year.

Respectful Relationships: We are exploring positive coping strategies 

Maths: After establishing many warm up games and daily skill reviews, we will start our first unit on Number and Place Value. They may wish to play some of these fun games at home or show you how a magic square works. 

Inquiry: Our first inquiry unit will focus on Natural Disasters. We will undertake the provocation of 'Where in the world would you choose to live?' challenging students to compare geographical features and climates around the world. This inquiry will also cross into our literacy lessons.

Homework: In Week 3 we will begin the full load of homework with Spelling, Reading and Maths. Students will be given their Reading and Maths tasks on a Friday in the week preceding. Spelling lists are distributed on a Monday following the Spelling lesson. All homework tasks will be allocated to students Google Classroom Homework platform as well as given in hard copy. The Google Classroom platform will be where students submit their homework each Friday. 


Interschool Sport Rounds 1,2 & 3:

Week 2: Vs Sacred Heart (Forfeit, so allowed us to gain some extra training time)

Week 3: Vs Newport Gardens (Away)

Week 4: Vs Altona (Away)


Marcia, our Art Teacher, has requested students to bring in an art smock for Art sessions this year. She has suggested the use of a large old shirt rather than going and buying something new. 


We also have a special welcome our new Willy Kids and families in 5/6:

Lola 5/6H

Hailey 5/6H

Ava 5/6H

Olivia 5/6C

Aleya 5/6I

Katherine 5/6I

Finley 5/6S

Daanish 5/6M

Matteo 5/6M


A final reminder that 5/6 students are expected to bring their iPads in fully charged each day, their hats for Term 1 and a drink bottle. We also want to remind families that we aim to have rubbish free classrooms and ask our students to take home any rubbish from their lunch with them. 


We look forward to meeting you all at the Meet the Teacher interviews in Week 3, Wednesday 12th Feb (1pm-7pm), bookings are now open on Compass.  Students will be dismissed at 12:30pm on this day. 



Warm regards,

The Grade 5/6 Team - Christina Crosland (5/6C), Emma Chang (5/6E), Molly Hedditch (5/6H), Bianca Italiano & Bianca Russo (5/6I), Matt Eason-Jones (5/6M) & Brittlee Salvo (5/6S)