
Congratulations and best wishes to those who celebrated their birthday last week and those celebrating their birthday this week!

 Week 10 Birthdays

Cristiano 4B

Jacob 3B

Charlie 4B

Luciana 5C

Charbel Prep B

Arbella 2C

Cristo Prep B

Alistair 6B

Genevieve 6D

Onell 1A

Matuos 5C

Kylie 1B

Mia 6C

Zayne 1D

Norah 3B

Miss Celeste Martin

Ms Sonya Harvey

Miss Jo Elliott

Miss Maddi McEntee

Week 11 Birthdays

Angelo 2A

Jake Prep A

Kaira 3B

Ivy 4C

Amelia 6B

Alyssa 1D

We wish everyone who is having a birthday over the holidays a very Happy Birthday.