Student Laptops
Thank you to all parents of students in Years 3–6 for supporting the school by purchasing a laptop for your child.
We know both you and your child are eager to begin using it at school to enhance their learning experience. Over the coming weeks, students will participate in CyberSafety lessons and complete their ICT (Information and Communication Technology) contracts. Keep an eye out for the contract when your child brings it home (Years 3–6 only).
If you’ve purchased a new laptop, you have two options for setting up the device: Personal or School Account. Either option is fine, and you can choose the one that works best for your family. If you would like support in setting up the device, please send the device in with your child next Thursday (6th February) and the School Tech will set the device up for you.
Personal Device
This option gives parents full control over their child’s device. However, it is the parent’s responsibility to install all required programs.
School Device
Using your child’s @schools account allows the school to manage the device. This makes it easier for the school to install necessary programs directly.