Star Students 

  Well done everyone on your amazing efforts! 

Seth A            5/6RFor great reading .
Jackson S5/6RFor outstanding effort.
James B5/6CFor excellent effort when working during TLN sessions.
Conrad RArtsFor being an enthusiastic Arts Superstar!
Evie R5/6CFor showing respect and always doing her best.
Tayla C5/6CFor her focus consistently showing respect and determination to do her best.
Evie R3/4CFor being willing to challenge herself in our Maths Lessons.
Levi F3/4CBeing an active participant and contribution ideas to class discussions.
Olivia C00BFor showing great enthusiasm each day.
Murray C00BFor consistently putting in his best effort.
Alby S1CFor working hard on set tasks.
Savannah B1CFor lovely, neat bookwork.
Mason C1CFor challenging himself during Maths.
Logan G1/2SFor his responsibility when making a poe at Mont De Lancey.
Ayla B1/2SFor her great questions ar Mont De Lancey.