Star Students
Well done everyone on your amazing efforts!
Star Students
Well done everyone on your amazing efforts!
Seth A | 5/6R | For great reading . |
Jackson S | 5/6R | For outstanding effort. |
James B | 5/6C | For excellent effort when working during TLN sessions. |
Conrad R | Arts | For being an enthusiastic Arts Superstar! |
Evie R | 5/6C | For showing respect and always doing her best. |
Tayla C | 5/6C | For her focus consistently showing respect and determination to do her best. |
Evie R | 3/4C | For being willing to challenge herself in our Maths Lessons. |
Levi F | 3/4C | Being an active participant and contribution ideas to class discussions. |
Olivia C | 00B | For showing great enthusiasm each day. |
Murray C | 00B | For consistently putting in his best effort. |
Alby S | 1C | For working hard on set tasks. |
Savannah B | 1C | For lovely, neat bookwork. |
Mason C | 1C | For challenging himself during Maths. |
Logan G | 1/2S | For his responsibility when making a poe at Mont De Lancey. |
Ayla B | 1/2S | For her great questions ar Mont De Lancey. |