Uniform Shop

Attention: Parents/Carers of Year 11 students 2025

Fittings for new senior black blazers at a cost of $260 will be held in February 2025.


Pre-loved and new (previously fitted and unsold) are now available at a reduced cost of

$90 to $160. Only 15 are available and will be sold on a first-in basis.


Uniform Shop Order Form must be completed and brought in by your son.

New Reversible Training Jersey 

New training jerseys are now available to purchase from the uniform shop.


Short sleeve jersey - $60

Long sleeve jersey - $65


These training jerseys are a compulsory uniform item for all sports training except for Rugby.


Our current rugby training jersey will be phased out over two years and then all rugby players will be required to purchase the new reversible training jersey. 


Loretta Mynett

Uniform Shop Manager