Student Awards

The following student awards will be handed out at final assembly, on Friday, December 20th at 9:10am in the John Curtin Building.
FKH - Jack C - for amazing efforts with telling o'clock times.
FKH - Joshua D - for amazing efforts with telling o'clock times.
1/2VW - Lenny L - For fantastic effort with his learning.
1/2VW - Ned F - for great work with reading.
1/2VW - Billy B - for his friendly, positive contributions to class.
1/2VW - Harrison J - for a fabulous semesters work.
3/4HC - Matilda C- For always being kind, friendly and helpful in our classroom. Amazing!
3/4HC - Sean P- For being a fantastic student in 34HC. Superstar!
3/4HC - Isabel G- For displaying our school values in everything she does. Wonderful!
3/4HC - Roisin M- Her focus and interest to achieve her best in all areas of learning. Fantastic!
3/4MS - Robin S - for being a SUPER WORKER! Well done!
3/4MS - Raph B - for being a SUPER WORKER in class! Well done!
3/4MS - Zoe R - for being a kind, caring SUPER HELPER!
Got Ya's
Maddie J – Hume – for creativity.
Cora K – Bourke – for great InitiaLit.
Sophie P – Hume – for picking up papers.
Lailah B – Mitchell – for respect.