Student News

Student Awards

Student Awards will be presented at our Assembly held every second Friday.  The next Assembly will be held on Friday February 14 @ 2.45pm 


Congratulations to our most recent Award winners! 

Families and friends are invited to attend. 



  • Hugh Hogan (FSC) - ‘Be your Best’ for always being ready to learn.  Hugh, it has been great to see you sitting on the floor quickly and quietly and listening to your teachers carefully.  You have made a wonderful start to school!  

  • Amelia Ryan (FSC) - ‘Be your Best’ for using beautiful manners in the classroom and remembering to put your hand up to answer questions.  Well done on a magnificent start to Foundation Amelia – keep up the great work!  

  • Lawson Kerwin (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for listening well to instructions and coming to the floor quickly and quietly.  What a great start to your school journey Lawson! 

  • Ariel Strom (FBW)- ‘Helping Others Succeed’ by looking out for your new friends in the classroom and making sure they are happy and cared for. 

Year 1 & 2

  • Finley Dempster (12ZH) - ‘Help Others Succeed’ for helping both Mr Hare and your classmates settle into our new classroom.  Thank you for all your help.  It’s going to be a great 2025! 

  • Illy Besiso (12ZH) - ‘Be Your Best’ for always approaching each learning task with such enthusiasm and excitement.  Keep up the positive attitude towards learning Illy! 

  • Herbie Freemantle (12LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for settling into Year 1 magnificently!  Herbie has been working hard to take on all his new routines.  Herbie has even been looking for ways to help others.  Thanks Herbie! 

  • Harry Pageot (12LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for being such an attentive listener and great contributor to class discussions.  Harry has his hand up, ready to share his insights.  Keep up the great work, Harry! 

  • Kate Wingrave (12GM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for always following instructions and trying your best in class!  You have made a terrific start to the school year.  Keep it up Kate! 

  • Hanxi Liu (12GM) - ‘Be Responsible’ for always following our class rules and sitting with the 5 L’s in class.  You are setting a fantastic example to others.  Well done Hanxi! 

Year 3 & 4

  • Rupert McMillan (34JM) – ‘Be Your Best’ for making such a great start to the year and for setting such a wonderful example for other students in our class.  Well done Rupert! 

  • Emma Hull (34JM) – ‘Be Your Best’ for making such a positive start to this year in Year 3.  You come to school every day with a big smile on your face which is just lovely to see!  So Proud of you Emma! 

  • Gabbi Jovanov (34LB)- ‘Be Your Best’ for settling in well into life as a St Joseph’s student.  Well done on your start in Year 3.  Best of luck in the year ahead. 

  • Jimmi Williams (34LB) - ‘Be Responsible’ for using his time wisely in the classroom.  Jimmi has made a smooth transition into Year 3 and should be proud of himself.  Well done, Jimmi! 

  • Scarlett Booth (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for starting Year 3 with a positive attitude and trying your best at all tasks.  Great work Scarlett! 

  • Tom Willis (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for beginning all work promptly and showing great work habits in the classroom.  Well done Tom! 

Year 5 & 6

  • Max Dillion-McInnes (56NW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for a great start to 2025.  Max, it’s been great to see you share your insights with the classroom.  Keep contributing and bringing forward some great ideas.  Well done! 

  • Quinn Priddle (56NW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for her excellent start to Year 5.  Quinn, you consistently display dedication and commitment towards your learning.  Keep being yourself and bringing an awesome positive attitude.  Well done! 

  • Hunter Northey (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for starting the school year with a positive attitude towards your schoolwork. Keep up the great work Hunter.  

  • Daniel White (56TD) - ‘Be Responsible’ for his enthusiastic work in his role as a Tech Leader. Danny has helped to organise the laptops and charges for the Senior unit.  Thanks Danny. 

  • Lucy Ludeman (56EN) – ‘Be Your Best’ for her impressive start to Year 6.  Lucy, you have shown organisation as well as readiness to learn.  It is great to see your enthusiasm and effort shown both in your Literacy and Math.  Thank you  

  • Leo Nihill (56EN)– ‘Be Your Best’ for his great start to Year 5.  Leo, you have an enthusiastic and positive attitude towards your learning.  You participate confidently to class discussions and share great curiosities and feedback.  Thank you. 

Happy Birthday

We wish many happy returns to all January and February birthdays - Jaxon Frohn (12LD), Ella Henshall (12GM), Sylvie Knight (12LD), Poppie Murphy-Simpson (12ZH), Murphy Wallace (56NW), Violet Ager (34RP), Grace Beck (34LB), Tom Willis (34RP), Paddy Trimble (12GM), Hanxi Liu (12GM), Hudson Gladman (12GM), Marlie Watson (56EN), Lucy Ludeman (56EN), Nixon Kelly (34JM), Arabella Higgins (34JM), Alec Everton (34RP), Piper Gwynn (56EN), Eli Sackey (34JM), Braxton Fasoli (56NW), Lila Trollope (56EN), Otis Tehan (12LD), Indi Camm (56TD), Henry Dee (34RP), Max Dillon-McInnes (56NW), Gabbi Jovanov (34LD), Harlow Anderson (34RP), William Carter (34RP), Kyla Williams (34RP), Morris Dee (12GM), Jordan-Leigh George (56NW), Brooklyn Orchard (34JM), Grace Hannon (FBW), Lottie Tehan (34LB), Caleb Sackey (56NW), Koby Franklin (FSC), Daniel White (56TD), Taj Ager (56NW), Jude Kelly (12LD), Leo Stergiadis (12ZH), Layla Gibson (FSC) and Cameron Kairns (34JM).


We also wish Peter Teggelove, Penny Caspani, Nathan Walsh, Tom Dunham, Jessica Michell, James Graco and Ella Greene a happy birthday.


Hats on at St Joseph's - Reminder

“Hats On!” at St Joseph’s - At St Joseph’s Primary School, our SunSmart Policy notes that all children will be required to wear school broad brimmed hats from ‘Hats On Day’- September 1 to ‘Hats Off Day’ - May 1 whenever they are outside including sports lessons. However, if the UV is 3 or above it is recommended hats be worn for protection.  Children without hats will be required to remain in the outdoor eating area (green tables) at all times – ‘NO HAT, NO PLAY’ policy will be enforced.