Assistant Principal 

Year 9 & 10

As we are now settled into Term 1, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the fantastic start to the year. Our students have been focused and engaged, and I appreciate the ongoing support from families in ensuring students are in full college uniform and prepared for their learning. If your child requires any assistance in meeting uniform expectations, please reach out to the school. Students are expected to have their college diaries in every lesson and will be asked to replace these if they are lost. 


Year 9 Morrisby Testing – A Record Achievement

Our Year 9 students have recently completed the Morrisby Testing, with the highest number of students successfully completing the full assessment. This is an outstanding achievement and a valuable step in their journey towards future career exploration and part-time work opportunities. The insights gained from this testing will support students in making informed decisions about their careers and pathways in the years ahead.


Year 9 NAPLAN – March 12th to March 25th

Year 9 NAPLAN will be running from Tuesday, March 12th to Monday, March 25th. It is essential that students bring their charged laptops to school each and every day to ensure a smooth learning experience as well as to provide opportunities for the IT team to conduct checks in the coming weeks to ensure that all laptops are properly prepared. If your child has any concerns regarding their device, please encourage them to seek assistance from IT as soon as possible.


Punctuality and Lost Learning Time

As I communicated last year, at the beginning of this year, we are placing a renewed focus on punctuality and attendance. Being on time to class is crucial for maintaining continuity in learning and not interrupting the learning of others. Student managers will begin speaking with students who are consistently late to class. To support students in making up for lost learning time, we will be offering an afterschool Student Management (SM) detention session, where students can complete homework and catch up on any missed content. Please note that medical appointments with a **certificate of attendance** will be considered approved lateness.


Learning Conferences – March 5th & 6th

I am looking forward to our upcoming Learning Conferences on March 5th and 6th. These meetings are a valuable opportunity for students, teachers, and carers to reflect on progress so far and set goals for the remainder of the semester. Interpreters will be available for families who require support. Bookings for the conferences will be open soon, and we encourage all families to take part in these important conversations about their child’s learning journey.


Thank you once again for your ongoing support. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Warm regards, 

Jules Ryan 

Assistant Principal 

Middle School