Star Students 

  Well done everyone on your amazing efforts! 

Zoe F1/2SFor always being respectful in class!
Cody H1/2SFor trying his best on Blitzmaster!
Sophie V1/2SFor always working hard in class!
Lewis S1CFor working hard on his portfolio cover!
Blake R1CFor working hard during Blitzmaster.
Mia M1CFor using great reading strategies during UFLI.
Taylor H5/6ROutstanding effort during our TLN sessions. Taylor, you work so hard - you should be very proud!
Nell S1/2SFor her enthusiastic attitude during our TLN sessions - you are a joy to teach, Nell!
Ruby P3/4CFor amzing work and thinking when working with numbers and learning about place value! 
Abbey B3/4CFor helping to create our writing model text and learning the actions.
Blake E00BFor working hard on every activity and always trying your best.
Bodhi F00BFor his hard work and dedication.
Charlotte C3/4EFor her determination to complete Blitz master level 11.
Marlee T3/4EFor her persistence and enthusiasm in Maths and Blitz master.
Braxten C1/2SFor being a kind friend to his peers.
Charlee M1/2SFor alwayd particapting in class discussions.
Ruby C5/6CFor her hard work and determination to do her best. Ruby applies feedback to make improvements and always takes care.
Luna A5/6CFor always trying her best and her awesome efforts in woord study! Luna has a knack for morphemes.