Things to know

The community members of Launching Place Primary School acknowledge the traditional owners, the Kulin nations, of the land on which we learn and play.
We pay respects to the Aboriginal Elders, past and present, who are our teachers.
We thank them for taking care of children and country for countless generations.
Labour Day
Monday 10th March. No School.
Emergency Contact Details
Emergency contact details: As part of our school’s emergency management planning, the school must have up-to-date contact details for all students. If any of the following details have changed, please inform the school or you can check and update your details on Compass:
Mobile number
Landline number
Emergency contact number (a contact other than your own).
Parent Payment Arrangements 2025 (School Fees)
Thank you to all families who have contributed or committed to supporting our school through the Parent Payment Arrangements on Compass. Your contributions are instrumental in enhancing the learning opportunities for all students at LPPS.
If you have not yet had the opportunity to contribute, we kindly invite you to visit Compass Course Confirmations/2025 School Fees to submit your contribution online.
Your support directly benefits your child and the entire student body at LPPS.
Should you have any questions or require a more flexible payment plan, please feel free to contact the school office at 59647783.
We greatly appreciate your continued support!
Child Safe
Child Safe Launching Place Primary School is dedicated to establishing and upholding a child-safe environment in which children and young people are protected and feel secure. Our Code of Conduct and Child Safe policies are available on the school’s website for your reference.
Sun Smart
Welcome BBQ was a great sucess Thank you to everyone who came along.