Principal's Message

Successful Author Visit – Ingrid Laguna

Ingrid Laguna visited our school this week on Wednesday and Thursday to run some Writing extension groups with our talented and enthusiastic writers. By all accounts our students thoroughly enjoyed the experience of meeting a published author and hearing about all things from gathering ideas and plotting stories, to the dreaded writer’s block.  Ingrid was good humoured and so excited to see the great writing our students produced. 

Here are some words from some of the attendees about the sessions:


It was really cool to met a real author.  She really went into depth about how to create a good, gripping story. – Chase


I think it was really interactive for kids.  We learnt more deeply about writing and got to understand a real author’s point of view. – Molly


It was a fun way to get into writing more fluently and to practice your writing skills. – Doug


Ingrid was very inspirational.  It was nice to get to know her. - Bianca


I learnt some ideas about how to write a suspenseful writing piece. – Skye


Ingrid taught me that if you have ideas for writing, don’t stop, just keep thinking and putting pen to paper.  - Willow



Welcome BBQ 

Reminder that we have our Welcome Back BBQ this afternoon/early evening.  The event will begin at - 4:45pm and run until 6:45pm. We will assume that if you RSVPed for the initial event that you are attending this evening.  :)

Looking forward to seeing you all there, we were so thrilled with the massive number of responses!

Remember to bring $5 cash per person for unlimited water slides! Very high UV today also, so make sure you slip, slop, slop and wear a hat.


LPPS Swimming Carnival

We are also looking forward to our House Swimming Carnival tomorrow at Healesville Pool.  Just a reminder that we love to have families come along to cheer on their children and to enjoy the day as a school community. The event will begin at 11:00am.


Community Call for Assistance

We heard from a neighbour of the school this week that there were some break ins on Tuesday during the school day in the local area.  If you saw anything suspicious along Valewood Drive that day between 6:00am and 5:00pm it is worth reporting your observations to Lilydale Police station on (03) 9739 2300


School Tours

School tours are now available for prospective families for 2026.  If you would like to make a time please contact our office. 



Enjoy the trip Year 5/6!

Next week, Week 6, our Year 5/6 students are off to Karoonda Park Camp in Gelantipy (Snowy River region) for the time of their lives!  We wish them the very best as they take a rite of passage that has been a tradition of Launch PS for many, many years.  We have several parents who attended this camp when they were students at our school! From abseiling to white river rafting, to horse riding and hiking, we can’t wait to see the photos that are sent back to us by the staff attending.  Safe trip all!  


Virtual Tour

See you around our place,


Laura Caddy
