

In 2025 we will be using Mathletics to support student learning in Mathematics both inside the classroom and at home. Over the next week students will be practising logging in to the platform with their class teachers. Once they have done this in school, they will receive a login card which contains their username and password for desktop login and a QR code for access on an ipad/tablet. 

Inquiry - Term 1

Our students have started their learning on our topic ‘Our Place in the World’. Please talk to them about places they may have been in Melbourne, Australia and beyond, discuss landmarks and features of these places. For older students you may discuss suitable events in the news, discussion Australia’s links to other countries, its role in these events and how we might be impacted


If you have any troubles accessing your child’s Seesaw account please contact the school at schooladmin@stbernardscoburg.catholic.edu.au and I will be happy to support you. Seesaw is a wonderful way to get a glimpse at different aspects of your child’s learning throughout the year. 


Iain Reed

Deputy Principal / Learning and Mathematics Leader