From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

It was wonderful to see so many families at our Welcome Breakfast and our Beginning of the School Year Mass. We are so grateful that you take the time to support our community at these events. Many thanks to Ms Lesa, our RE Leader for her preparation and organisation, to Fr Leo for celebrating Mass with us and blessing our Year 6 student leader badges and our class prayer cloths and to our students for their reverent and enthusiastic participation. Thank you to Mr Reed & Ms Franca for their organisation, planning and preparation of our Welcome breakfast and to all our staff who attended and helped on the morning. We are so blessed to have staff that supports and values these extracurricular events. 

We also want to thank Fred and Michael at the fruit and vegetable shop in the centre of the Coburg Market who generously donated the fruit families enjoyed at the breakfast. Please show your appreciation by supporting them when you are shopping at the market


Sacrament of Reconciliation - Change of date

The Sacrament of Reconciliation will now be celebrated on Thursday 5th June at 7:00pm.


First Aid Communication

From tomorrow there is a new process of sharing information with you, if or when your child goes to First Aid. The process of the past included a paper, hard copy First Aid report. This is now being replaced with a soft copy First Aid report (containing the same information) which will be emailed to parents. If we have both parents' email addresses,  both will receive the email notification. This is why up to date information is critical.

Our normal practice of calling a parent for any injury above the shoulder, which is deemed a head injury, will continue. Please keep an eye on your inboxes for these forms.


Professional Development Day

On Monday our staff participated in a day of professional learning facilitated by Ms Franca who is our Literacy Leader. The focus of our learning was the new Victorian English Curriculum. 


Attendance is important

Attendance at school everyday impacts student learning and achievement. We encourage all parents to prioritise attendance and punctuality. The learning begins at 9:00am and  ensuring students arrive with enough time to unpack and prepare for the day ensures a smooth start to the day and that learning is the priority.

We also encourage holidays to be taken during the holiday break times. If travel during the term is unavoidable, it is a system requirement that we are informed in writing with the relevant dates included. A formal response from us is required as part of the process.


Smart Watches

We have noticed an increasing number of students across all levels wearing smart watches. Whilst the wearing of these to school is a family decision, we do not want these devices to interrupt learning. They also have the potential to cause issues around privacy because of some of the functions (e.g. recording- voice & image), which of course breaches Child Safety Codes of Conduct for our community. Smart watches of any brand/type must be set to school mode or do not disturb. Smart watches that are not set to do not disturb/school time mode, will be taken from the student and returned to the parent at the end of the day.



We do not encourage or recommend that students have phones at school. We recognise that it is a family decision and as such have a policy in place, that requires any student who brings a phone to school MUST hand it into the office before school and collect it after school. This is to ensure the safety, privacy and wellbeing of all and follows government policy regarding mobile phones at school.

Any parent that requires their child to bring a phone to school must complete the attached form (which both parents must sign) and ensure that their child understands the process.


Lunch time Hip Hop Dance Club

Due to the PD day on Monday, there will be a makeup lesson this Friday for all those students who participate in Hip Hop Dance with Kelly Sports.


Head Lice

There have been some cases of Head lice reported to the office in recent weeks. We encourage all families to check their child’s hair regularly and let us know if your child ever has lice. This enables us to notify the particular class/ classes so that parents can be vigilant.  Any student that has head lice must be treated before returning to school. The attached link provides some useful information.


Safer Internet Day

Yesterday was Safer Internet Day which is a global day of action bringing communities, schools, organisations and families from more than 180 countries together to raise awareness of online safety issues and work towards a safer internet. The Office of the eSafety Commissioner leads the way help make the internet a safer, and more positive place. Their website has fantastic, easy to understand information to support parents in their role of keeping children safe online. We encourage all parents to explore this valuable resource.

National Apology Day

On Thursday it is the anniversary of the National Apology. On the 13 February 2008 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a formal apology to ​Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, particularly to the Stolen Generations whose lives had been blighted by past government policies of forced child removal and assimilation.

This apology was of immeasurable significance.

Joanne Doherty
