From the Principal

Dear LPS Families and Friends,
Last week Mrs Roose, Mrs Mowat, Mrs Harvey, Mrs Fisher and I visited South Melbourne Primary School and Templestowe Heights Primary School. These schools are both achieving outstanding results in 2 very different contexts. The main purpose of our visits was to look at how and what they teach. The common element we saw across the schools was a consistent and unwavering commitment to:
- Evidence-based teaching strategies
- Knowledge rich curriculum
- Behaviour Curriculum (explicit teaching of behaviour)
There is a large amount of anecdotal and statistical evidence that shows these practices have had a significant impact on a student's ability to learn, recall, and use knowledge.
It was really interesting to see these practices in action and to see that much of what was being done is consistent with the path we have started down. The engagement in learning at these schools was incredibly high and the results are outstanding.
Earlier this week I had the pleasure of hosting local principals, as well as the Knox Network Senior Education Improvement Leader, Justin Butler. The focus of the visit was to show the work we are doing concerning the explicit teaching of phonics and also the explicit teaching of behaviour.
During the visit we dropped into 3 different classrooms; grade 4, grade 2, and grade 1 to look at our morning routine. The start of the day in our prep to grade 4 classes is now very consistent, with each class starting with a consistent entry routine and then moving straight into Word Work. Watching and explaining the theory and practice to other educators was rewarding, as our students and staff did an amazing job. They all entered their classroom calmly and settled with their equipment and were "ready to learn". Once the teachers started with Word Work the students were focused, using their mini whiteboards and voices to respond to the teacher's instructions.
When we moved back to the office, one of the visiting principals said "you don't seem to have students with bad behaviour". As much as I would love to say that all your children are perfect, the reality is that they do sometimes make mistakes. I am incredibly proud of the hard work our teachers have put in to learn how to engage students through explicit teaching of curriculum and behaviour. I felt very proud.
Last newsletter Mrs Roose wrote about the work we have done in learning a new entry routine. This has had a significant impact on students' being "Ready to Learn" as soon as they come inside. It has created a very calm environment. Recently at our staff meeting, teachers researched and voted on the next component of our behaviour curriculum, "The Pegasus Way".
Our next area of focus will be Moving through the School. At our next Triad meeting, we will spend time together deciding what this will look like and how we will introduce it to students.
Having just visited 2 schools with very strong, well-established routines, there is a big difference between the way our students move through the corridors and those at the other schools. Having said that, today I saw 2MR and 2B moving through the corridors silently and calmly, it was so great to see the respect they were showing for each other and those learning in classrooms.
A survey has been released for interested people to join our Parent Book Club info session on Wednesday September 18th at 2.30pm. The session will be conducted by Michelle Findlay, our school tutor and experienced Book Club participant. The meeting will provide attendees with the strucutre of a Book Club, processes of operation and answer any questions you may have.
The parent survey from Term 2 indicated there are groups of people willing to be involved in an after hours or work hours club, both options are being explored.
If you are interested please complete the survey, if you can't attend and we will get the information to you.
At the end of each year, we say farewell to our grade 6 students as they leave for secondary school. We also have many families that move house and need to transfer to a school closer to home. If you know that your child will be enrolling in a new school for the 2024 school year, please let the office know ASAP to assist with our planning.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Adam Wight \ Principal