Hope at Kilbreda College

Hope: Bringing a sense of Purpose


In a world where hope often feels elusive, it is reassuring to belong to a faith-filled community where the sense of hope is palpable. At Kilbreda College students, staff, alumni and families have countless opportunities to engage in learning and events that not only foster personal hope, but also encourage practical ways in which to provide hope to others.


One of the principles from the Kilbreda College Learning and Teaching Charter is ‘A Culture of Purposeful Learning - We create an environment for personal growth and achievement’. Hope is more than wishful thinking – it is about being intentional. Hope is a cognitive practice that involves the intentional act of setting goals and working towards them with purpose. A community that supports and encourages one another can assist in developing and nurturing a culture of hope. There have been numerous occasions this year where Kilbreda students have been able to demonstrate their support for one another.


One such opportunity was the Kilbreda Festival, a celebration of student talent. Garnering the courage to perform in front of an auditorium filled with your peers takes courage and tenacity, and whilst reflections on events such as this usually focus on student performances, it is also important to reflect upon the responsibility and role of the audience. Throughout each audition session, the auditorium was filled with students there to support their classmates. Each performance received thunderous applause and at the end of each session performers were swamped with expressions of congratulations.


Opportunities for students to intentionally focus on how they can bring hope to others are threaded throughout curricular and co-curricular areas at Kilbreda. One such opportunity is the STEM MAD Showcase offered through the Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools, where students are challenged to create a project that will make a positive difference in society. Each STEM MAD team is mentored by a senior student who provides encouragement and support for the team as they develop and test their ideas. Kilbreda students demonstrate a real passion to see others experience a life that is fulfilling, and in doing so are working towards a future that provides hope for others and instils a sense of purpose for their own lives.


We all need support from others and the input of ‘champions’, and we all need to learn how to be a champion for others. Kilbreda College is full of champions, community members who, through their actions and words bring a sense of hope to others. As we continue to live the legacy of the Brigidine Sisters may we be filled with hope as we move forward with a real sense of purpose and continue to work together to build the capacity in our young people and in each other.


“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace” - Romans 15:13

Jane Ward – Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching