Community News

Celebrating Achievements

Achievements are happening left right and centre here at Plenty Valley Christian College. God is blessing this community in so many ways, we are so thankful for the opportunities to recognise some of those who are striving for Excellence in their field.


Firstly, our Principal, John Metcalfe along with the other Principals from the Northern Education Alliance, were recognised for the great commitment to creating a High- Performance culture amongst our schools by being awarded the High Performance Teams Award at the annual Leading Teams Award Night last Thursday.


Leading Teams is a Leadership coaching organisation that supports thousands of leaders through their work with companies and organisations such as the Brisbane Lions, the Pharmacy TAFE Queensland and many schools around Australia. For the past 7 years, Leading Teams has been working with the Northern Education Alliance (Hazel Glen, Mernda Central, Marymede, Parade and Plenty Valley Colleges) to train our middle-tier leaders. They have also worked with the Principals to develop a collegiate approach to improving education in our piece of the north of Melbourne.


Mark Aiello (Parade College Principal)

John Metcalfe (Plenty Valley Christian College Principal)

Anthony Stockwell (Hazel Glen Principal)

Brendon Maher (Leading Teams Facilitator)

Anthony Oldmeadow (Mernda Central College)

Tim Newcomb ( Mernda College Principal)


Secondly, we recognise the achievements of Clarence Goh, Clarence is our Senior IT teacher as well as a Google trainer and Google innovator. Clarence recently spoke at the EduTech Conference about harnessing AI and Google speech recognition with Tello Drones to revolutionise student outcomes. Much of what he spoke about was met with eager anticipation of what the future of technology brings in education and how we are only on the brink of learning in this area. Clarence represented Plenty Valley in a cohort of schools Australia-wide, all of whom were impressed with the passion-led teaching in our IT department.

And last but definitely not least, we celebrate with Clayton Bruce, who has been nominated for a Teacher Award in Improving Student Learning and Progress for his passion to improve maths learning through the implementation of Math Pathways in our Middle School years.  Winners are to be announced soon!

Teacher Awards 2024: Shortlist announced (

Senate  CMT visit to St Vincent's Aged Care

Last week the Senate and Christian Ministry Team had the amazing opportunity to visit St Vincent’s aged care facility. They had a wonderful time singing to them and hearing their stories.