Primary News

Investigation Room
The year 5/6 students have enjoyed visiting the Investigation Room this term. The second half of this term’s activities relate to different careers. We have had some fence building, train track designing, bead making, café managing, painting, and building stations to help enhance students motor skills, imaginative play, and teamwork. Good job everyone!
Year 2/3/4 Camp to Swan Hill
"On Monday 26th of August our Year 2/3/4 class along with teachers Ms Hinge and Mrs Kealy went to Swan Hill for camp. The students and the teachers from Goroke also came with us.
In the morning we all came to school and loaded the bus with our gear and then left. It was a five hour drive. After half an hour we went to Goroke to pick up five of their kids.
Our second stop was Horsham where we stopped at the park for recess. We then kept driving and stopped for lunch at Donald.
When we got to Swan Hill we went to our cabins to set up our rooms. Then we went to the pioneer settlement and did some activities in groups of three. Next we went to a grass lawn to have afternoon tea. For afternoon tea we had some fruit and chips. Later we had our tea it was Spaghetti Bolognaise. After tea we watched a light show, it was done with lasers and water. Then we went back to our cabins and had supper. Supper was a milo and a biscuit. Then had showers, brushed our teeth, then went to bed.
Tuesday 27th of August
We woke up and had some breakfast. After breakfast we did some activities, we went on a horse and car ride then we had afternoon tea. Next, we learnt about Aboriginal culture and then went on a boat cruise. Then went back to cabins and played outside for a bit and practised for a talent show then we got ready to do the talent show and started some performances. Some were outside, and some were inside. Once the talent show was over, we all got ready for bed and watched a movie. The movie was Finding Dory, after the movie was finished, we went to bed.
Wednesday 28th of August
We woke up and had breakfast which was toast and cereal. After breakfast we had to pack our rooms up and make sure they were clean. After we cleaned our rooms, we went outside and played. Once we played, we went over to the pioneer settlement and did activities and ate morning tea after we ate morning tea we went shopping. When we were done with shopping, we went back to the camp site and made sure one more time that our rooms were clean. Once the teachers said they were clean we hopped on the bus and drove home."
By Eliza
"Monday 26th of August
On Monday the 26th of August the year 2/3/4 class along with teachers Ms Hinge and Mrs Kealy went to Swan Hill for camp. The students and the teachers from Goroke also came with us.
In the morning, we all came to school and loaded the bus with our gear and then left. It was a five-hour drive. After half an hour we went to Goroke to pick up 5 of their kids.
Our second stop was Horsham where we stopped at the park and had some recess. We then kept driving and stopped for lunch at Donald.
When we first got to Swan Hill, we went to our cabins. After about maybe 5 or 9 minutes we set up our rooms. When we were all done setting up our rooms we went to the Pioneer Settlement. It was all 90s and 80s theme. We all got split into groups and then we all did some different activities. Group 1 and group 3 got to watch some wood turning. After a little while we all went to the lawn to have some afternoon tea. Then we all had some fruit and a bag of chips.
After a little while we went to have some tea and then we went to go watch the light show. It was a cool light show. It was Aboriginal themed. After a little while we went to have some showers and brush our teeth. Then we all went to bed.
Tuesday 27th of August
We woke up in the morning had some breakfast. Our options were toast or cereal. After breakfast we all went outside and then we played a little game of "everybody is it". After that we walked back to the Pioneer Settlement to do some more activities. We all learnt about the Aboriginal culture. After a little bit we went on a horse and a car ride. About around an hour later we all went in a boat. We all had a piece of fruit. When we were on the boat I took a photo with my brothers girlfriend's mum. She works at Goroke in the front office. She is very nice.
When we were all done, we all had a burger and some chips. After that we all went back outside to do a show thing. When we were all done, we got some prizes. After about 5 minutes we watched "Finding Dory." When the movie was over, we all went to bed
Wednesday 28th of August
On Wednesday the 28th of August we woke up and had some breakfast. Some of us didn’t want to eat breakfast though so some of us just had a piece fruit. After that we went outside. While we were playing some of us got called to go and get our bags. To start the day all of us went in our groups. I was in group 3. First, we done some lamington making. They were really good lamingtons too. When we were done our group went to the grass area. Then we played some games. It was sort of free time really. They had stilts, bag races and even more. When we finished that we went to go to a different place, but no one was there. All the other groups went shopping so we also decided to
go shopping as well with them. When we were all done with our shopping, we went on the bus to go back home. While we were going home, we stopped in Donald to have some lunch. We had the choice of having a chicken and cheese sandwich or a ham and cheese sandwich. I had a ham and cheese one. When we were all done, we left to go home. We kept driving until we got to Horsham. We stopped in Horsham to drop the 5 Goroke kids in Horsham. We called them the "Horsham Goroke kids". After a little while we all got back home safely. We loaded all of our bags out and then we got some of our parents to help us carry them just in case we don’t drop them. We had a really fun time at camp though!"
By Ella
"Monday 26th of August
On Monday the 26th of August our Year 2/3/4 class along with teachers Miss Hinge and Mrs Kealy went to Swan Hill for camp. The students and teachers from Goroke also came with us as well. In the morning we all came to school and loaded the bus with our gear and then left. It was a 5 hour drive.
After half an hour we went to Goroke to pick up 5 of their students. Our second stop was Horsham [where my cousins live]. We stopped at a park at Horsham, we had recess there and we had a play around. Then we continued driving to Donald. At Donald we had lunch and we had a play at the park there as well. Then we continued driving. We stopped for a toilet break then we continued driving to Swan Hill.
When we got to Swan Hill we got off the bus and we set up our rooms. After that we went to the Pioneer Settlement and we did activities there. After that we went back to our cabins and we had dinner. For dinner we had spaghetti bolognaise.
After that we got ready for the light show. We went to a dinner place, where we waited for our leader to show us where to go. When we finally went down to the Murray River, we sat down ready for the light show. When they were ready for the light show and it started there were people talking in the speaker about what to do for about 2 minutes. The light show started and there was lots of water and after that happened there was lights everywhere. There were lights coming from the right. There were lights coming from the left. There were lights coming from the middle.
After we went to the light show we went back to our cabins and we had supper. For supper we could choose from a cold milo or a hot milo. After we got our milo, we got to choose a biscuit and after we did all that stuff we sat down and had our milo and biscuit. After we had our milo and biscuit we had a shower and we brushed our teeth and went to bed. That night I could not get to sleep.
Tuesday the 27th of August
We woke up in the morning and we had breakfast. For breakfast I had rice bubbles with milk and I also had apple juice. After we had breakfast we got to play outside. When we were playing outside we were playing "everybody’s it." It was good because I only got tagged 5 times. We stopped playing outside and the teachers said that we had to make up a dance/singing show. So we had about 5 minutes to practice our dance/singing.
After we talked about that stuff we went to the Pioneer Settlement. We did more activities.
My first activity was going to the print shop. We walked to the print shop and the man showed us all the machines that they had back in the old days when they were doing printing. The first machine that we looked at was over 120 years old. The second machine that we looked at was over 170 years old. It was interesting because it was really big and it was the only one of that machine in the entire world left. The final machine we saw was over 132 years old.
Next we went to do the scavenger hunt. There were 7 different things that we needed to find. There was a coffin that we needed to find. There was a church symbol that we needed to find. Then we had some time to go and look at some things that we might be able to buy. Then we had lunch. For lunch I had a ham and cheese sandwich and an orange juice box and I had a apple. I sat down and ate my lunch then we played "everybody’s it." I only got tagged 7 times. Afterwards we got back to our activities.
Next, we had aboriginal culture. I learnt that the aboriginal men were 7 ft tall. After that we learnt how to cut a chunk out of a tree to carve it into a canoe. Then we learnt how they built their houses. They used sticks, leaves and bark.
Then we got to have a ride on the horse and in a car. I went on the horse first and it was funny because the horse did a poo in front of the car. Then I got to ride in the car. The car was very comfy. Then we went on a big paddle steamer. We also had afternoon tea on the boat as well. When we got off the boat and we walked back to our cabins. We got ready for the talent show and we practised again and again. After that the show started. Noah and I were first up and we did the Macarena dance. After we had all the dances we had dinner. For dinner we had a burger and hot chips. Then we got ready for bed, but we didn’t go to bed, we watched a movie. The movie that we watched was "Finding Dory". We were up until about 9:00. That night was a much better sleep than the night before.
Wednesday the 28th of August
We got ready for the day and had breakfast. For breakfast I had Rice Bubbles. Then we played "everybody’s it". Then we headed to the Pioneer Settlement. We did one more activity and ours was lamington making. The man that was teaching us how to make lamingtons told us when lamingtons were invented for about 7 minutes. Then we got in to making lamingtons. First we dipped our bread in the chocolate icing. Then we rolled our lamingtons in coconut. Then we got to eat our lamingtons.
Then we got to go shopping with our money. First I bought my chocolate coins and my fan. Then I bought my W necklace. Then we had morning tea. I had a fruit cupcake and a banana. After we had morning tea we played our last game of "everybody’s it". Then we walked back to our cabins and we drove around Swan Hill and then we left Swan Hill. We drove all the way to Donald and we had lunch there. Then we had a play in the playground area.
After we played on the playground, we left Donald and drove to Horsham and we stopped in the carpark and the Goroke students got off our bus and we kept driving back to Edenhope College. It was good to get home, but it was a really fun camp."
By Will
Kya is proudly showing off her wardrobe jewellery box that she made in Woodwork.
Well done Kya, it looks amazing.
Hands On Learning
Hands On Learning started the term with a group focus on Patience and Persistence. Encouraged by Mrs Eastwood and Mr Haack, students worked on complex puzzles and games in week 2 and in week 3 the group harnessed their persistence, putting together a rather large train track with many moving parts. They did a great job and displayed the spirit of teamwork, with help from Mal Smith, the area HOL Student Support Manager. With Mrs Farran students completed soft toys with plans to visit Lakeside Living. Due to staffing availability, HOL needs to take a break for the remainder of term 3. The train track was set up by students in the library by HOL students during this term to allow others to enjoy during a lunchtime session.
Mrs Eastwood
Year F/1 Procedures
The F/1s have been learning about procedures. With Miss Mercer, the students wrote out a procedure on how to make play dough. Once they had finished, the students got to follow the procedure to make the play dough.