
Book Week
Book Week was well supported and celebrated by Staff and both primary and secondary students.
There were many library activities surrounded around the theme of “Reading is Magic”. These occurred at lunchtimes and also recess on a couple of occasions.
Story Time was held at the beginning of lunch break and the students were able to eat their lunch in the library while listening to a story read by volunteer staff members.
There were competitions throughout the week which the students were heavily involved in with a smidgen of competitiveness showing through too.
The Parade held on the Thursday of Book Week was amazing. A lot of the school were involved including staff and there were some fantastic costumes. There were quite a few parents there to watch as well.
Thank you to all the staff and students who supported Book Week this year.
Best Dressed
F/1 - Spencer Kelly
2/3/4 - Noah Clark
5/6 - Baylen Domaschenz
Secondary - Callum Sambell
Secondary - Nyima Doelle
Staff - Cassie Stringer
Most Original
F/1 - Paulo Vidal
2/3/4 - Zoey Fisher
5/6 - Jackson Stuart
Secondary - Em Toms
Secondary - Lily Eyles & Maisy Bentley
Staff - Hayley Hocking
Special Mentions
Chloe Smith, Piper Kelley, Edith Bentley
Colouring Competition
F/1 - Ella Scott
2/3/4 - Winnie Carter
5/6 - Adelle Joubert
Find & count the Wizards - There were 26
There were three correct answers, so the winner was drawn from these names.
Winner - Aurora Pendlebury
Special mention - Therese Saranillo & Charlotte Browning Satatas
Highest wrong guess - Quinn Dubois
If Reading Was My Magic Power
Winner - Maizy Bentley
"If reading gave me magical powers…
I would use my powers to give every person in the world a book that they would love. Everyone would be happy and cheerful. I would make everyone’s wishes come true. I would make everyone healthy. If I had magical powers, I would plant billions of trees, bring back extinct animals, help endangered animals, stop climate change, cure cancer and diseases, stop pollution, save the Great Barrier Reef and much, Much, MORE!
Reading is MAGIC!
Keep Reading!"
Draw your Character Costume
Winner - Alex Stone
Fathers Day
It was wonderful to see so many fathers and grandfathers attend our celebration last Friday.
Our guests enjoyed a hot breakfast with a wide selection of yummy goodies to choose from.
Smile Squad is coming to this school...
Edenhope College families,
The Smile Squad team from Grampians Health are coming to our school soon.
Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free school dental program.
This means all students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment at school.
How to access free dental care
Grampians Health will be sending to your school the next generation of oral health professionals and your child will be seen by a dental/oral health student working under the supervision of a qualified smile squad clinician. We need your consent before we can provide services. Consent is usually provided by a parent or guardian. To be seen on site at school you must tick YES in the box to be seen by a student.
Sign up to Smile Squad at:
OR use the below QR code:
Please complete and submit the consent form by the 7th Oct 2024
Paper copies of the consent form are available. Please contact the school office if you would like to request one.
The electronic consent form can be translated into more than 100 languages, and the paper form is available in 13 languages.
Smile Squad dental packs
All children deserve a healthy smile, and the Smile Squad free school dental program is working hard to help make sure this happens.
Your child(ren) will soon receive a free dental pack to bring home. The dental pack contains a toothbrush, full sized toothpaste, and an oral health brochure. Please take the time to read the brochure. It’s full of helpful hints and tips to help your whole family eat well, drink well and clean well – for life.
Standard strength toothpaste
Smile Squad provides standard strength fluoride toothpaste that is generally used by ages six and over, unless recommended by a dental or trained health professional.
If your child is under six, please talk to a dental or trained health professional to find out if your child might benefit from using this toothpaste. You can also choose to put the toothpaste away until they turn six or give it to someone else in your family to use.
Do I need to attend my child’s appointment?
No, you do not need to attend your child’s appointment. If you prefer to attend your child’s appointment, you can take your child to the community dental clinic.
The Grampians Health Smile Squad look forward to seeing you soon.
Kind regards,
Grampians Health Smile Squad
Online Cyber Safety Session
An opportunity not to be missed - parents/carers, grandparents and the local community are all welcome to attend this valuable session to learn all about cyber safety and everything you need to know about keeping your child safe online from a leading expert in the field of online safety.