College News

Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy
One of the best books to read to young children. My visit to the kindergarten on Thursday proved that. I was invited to stay for a dance after reading and then asked not to leave by multiple kinder children.
Reading is one of the best things you can do with your child to develop this speech comprehension and especially at a young age, their imagination. The time you put in here will pay off in dividends as they grow up and work their way through school and into careers. Communicating clearly is one of the best tools you can develop and reading is the perfect vehicle to help that, so encourage it whenever you can as your children are growing up.
The students below received awards at our recent school assembly for their reading efforts (recognised by library staff). Great effort students!!
Staff Appointments at the College
Donna Tucker will be Acting Principal for the last three weeks of the term.
Paris Hardwick and Jen Altmann will be joint Acting Assistant Principals for the same period. Thank you both for putting your expressions in.
Sheree Cooper will be with us at least until Christmas - helping to work the front office and release other office staff for important 2025 preparation.
Tahlia Cardnell, ex-student will fill in Sheree’s spots while she is on Operation Flinders and exam supervising duties. Tahlia was an applicant for the advertised ES position.
Reporting System
We’re looking at making our reporting system a more user friendly helpful platform that informs students families of their child’s progress. Staff at the college have been discussing ways to make reporting more informative and progressive throughout the year. Parents were also asked in the recent review that we had at school and their thoughts aligned with staff at Edenhope College, so we will be looking to make changes to support that.
Senior Pathways Evening
Recently Donna Tucker and Paris Hardwick put together an amazing Senior Pathways Evening and they had special guests on site to talk about the potential pathways for students. Parents and students supported this with an amazing turn out and the conversation afterwards was that it was one of the best evenings that have been put on. The food supplied by Kings Katering was also amazing which it always is!
Trevor McClure