Level 3

In the last week of Term 3 we got excited about science with a fantastic incursion from TwistEd Science. This was an introduction to this term's inquiry topic. Students learned the differences between physical and chemical reactions and investigated the properties of both.
The hands on experiments allowed students to observe the separation of texta colours using chromatography and also to make their own long chemical strings using a chemical reaction.
This week in reading, students have been analysing characters. We read a very amusing story called 'Frank and Laverne' in which students were able to consider the different perspectives of the two characters. In their own 'Just Right Books', students noticed how characters changed over time and and what caused the changes.
In writing, we have focused on explanation writing. Students have explored many 'how' and 'why' questions and have begun to notice the structure of explanation texts. The next step will involve research, note taking and planning.
This week has been all about fractions! We enjoyed a whole class game of 'I have...who has?' which promoted some wonderful teamwork, persistence and eventual success. Students then explored fractions of collections, equivalent fractions and some have begun to add fractions.
It has been a fantastic week of connection to start the term, with classrooms buzzing with energy and excited conversations. We are looking forward to our Connect Groups on Friday where students will engage in a variety of 'Friendology' themed games and activities with their peers.
(More photos to come next issue!)