Level 2

Welcome Back!
Welcome back for what is sure to be an amazing final term of Grade 2! It will be a busy term, with two nights of Production next week (plus a whole school practise at the Besen Centre during the day on Monday), F-5 Swimming in Week 4, all of our regular learning including a fascinating investigation into Chemical Science for Inquiry, as well as a million other exciting things that we know will pop up along the way.
Week One Learning
This week students have continued to learn about fractions in Maths, focusing on working out fractions of a collection (fractions of a number). Students have enjoyed launching into our Narrative Writing unit by using a range of interesting images to generate and inspire oral language stories. During our reading lessons this week, students have loved exploring Jeannie Baker’s ‘The Hidden Forest’, and focused on building predicting, inferring, and questioning skills. In Inquiry, students have begun their ‘Marvellous Mixtures’ investigation, where they explored what a mixture is and also made predictions about what a mixture would look like if given certain ingredients. It's been a fantastic week.
We are looking forward to an amazing Term 4!
Coming up this term:
Learning in Week 2 and 3:
Reading : Predicting, inferring and questioning using the mentor text 'Rose Meets Mr Wintergarten' - Bob Graham.
Writing: Narrative Writing: Generating ideas, Bold Beginnings, character and setting descriptions.
Maths: Recognising, comparing and classifying 2D shapes using sides and spatial terms.
Inquiry: ‘Creative Cooking’ and ‘Sometimes Slimy’
Upcoming Events:
Week 2:
Monday 14 Oct – Whole school production rehearsal at Besan Centre,
Night 1 Production (Students A-L)
Tuesday 15 Oct - Night 2 Production (Students M-Z)
Week 4:
Monday 28 Oct - Friday 1 Nov - F to 5 Swimming
Thursday 14th Nov - Fun/Late Stay Day